US Air Force Readies ADS

ads.jpgGizmodo is reporting that the USAF has readied a non-lethal weapon for possible crowd control use in Iraq.

It’s called Active Denial System, and hurts like a mofo.

The ADS shoots a beam of high intensity millimeter waves, which in plain English means if you get in the beam’s way, it’ll feel like you’re being dipped in lava. In fact, the pain is so intense, that the longest any human test subject could withstand the beam was 5 seconds, and a very small number of them walked away with redness and blisters from the beam’s intense heat.

I love new gadgets. heh.

19 Responses

  1. Ooooh, ooooh! That bad boy would surely clear out the parking lot at the high school in the morning.

  2. I wonder what type of aircraft will get this?
    Article actually didn’t say if it was going to be deployed on an aircraft or as a ground-based system.

  3. Huh. If it would set off suicide bombers, then it would be really sweet.

  4. It looks like something that would be ground based to this non-air-force eye.

  5. and IED’s

  6. Duh. But if it were ground based, then the Army would be getting ready to deploy it, no doubt.

  7. Yeah, that would be even better on the IEDs if, say, a helicopter could pre-clear in front of a convoy.

  8. I kind of like this idea. there are many jihadis who want to die and become martyrs, but I wonder how many of them are going to want to face this booger. Heh, ain’t no virgins waiting if you just get singed.

  9. I’m wondering what happens to somebody that cannot get out of the way, or if it focuses on somebody. Spontaneous human combustion?

  10. I’d hate to be the poor jihadi in R and D that has to repeatedly go up against that thing dressed in everything from wool to body armor to try to see what can negate its effect.

  11. Is this like microwaving them from a safe distance? And will it pop that microwave pocorn, too?

  12. I don’t know if millimeter waves and microwaves are the same thing. But, I take butter on my popcorn.

  13. Are you sure you’ve changed that picture up there enough tonight? How about your hat decorated for Christmas?

  14. Other experimental weapons in Iraq include the secret laser that shrinks people to 1 meter long…

    ADS is discussed after about 18:20. It is in fact vehicle mounted, not an air platform. BTW official test videos for ADS are pretty funny, people hopping up and down like jumping beans.

    The scene with the Fallujah doctors looks straight out of the Palestinian & Lebanese Hizballah film-making playbook. The first soundbite from that guy Arkin, ugh, what an idiot — the electromagnetic spectrum is not a “completely new principle” last time I checked.

  15. Amazing that this tech has remained off the screen.
    Personally, I’m all for less than lethal weapons, where muji’s are hiding in the midst of innocent civilians, or in many cases, hiding behind them.
    While this device shows promise, I still prefer the acoustice weapon, developed by American Technology Corporation.

  16. pimf(where is it?)=acoustic

  17. British politicians hate to be seen as antagonistic towards Muslims. Their timidity has allowed and even encouraged preachers of hate to proliferate, even when warned by “moderate” Muslims of the dangers. In its struggle to become “multicultural”, Britain has become a nation ashamed to feel proud of its traditions, lest someone takes offense. In this unhealthy climate, activists who wish to subjugate Britain have thrived. There are many lessons for America to learn from Britain’s predicament.

    Veiled Threats.

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