Follow the money? (Updated)

tweetUpdate: FEC Seeks Answers From Pro-Cochran Super PAC

Update:  Charles Johnson is now reporting that if a special election is called, Cochran will resign

Update:  Team McDaniel says they have found 3,300+ Ineligible Votes

UpdateTrue the Vote sues MS Sec of State over alleged voter fraud

UpdateMcDaniel reveals strategy to force another runoff election


Thad Cochran’s campaign has strongly denied any involvement in the vote-buying scheme alleged yesterday in an article by blogger Charles Johnson.  I was chatting with some friends earlier about this subject, and advised them to take the 48-hour rule on this story, as the blogger in question has a pattern of making claims in an article, only to have to walk them back later.  I suspect there will be some more walking back on this article as well.

Mr. Johnson’s reporting has had an effect.  Perhaps that is the point.    A lot of things can and will happen before November.  Something that I find very interesting has been confirmed by  a recent Chism Poll.   There are a great deal of hard feelings among McDaniel supporters:

“When we asked McDaniel supporters which candidate they would support in the general election, 21% said they would vote for Democrat Travis Childers and another 16% said they would probably not vote at all.

Only 22% of McDaniel’s supporters were committed to vote for Cochran in November.”  (emphasis mine)

The pollster, Brad Chism is a supporter of Democrat Travis Childers.

According to Y’all Politics, Chism is hosting a fundraiserr for Childers in Jackson tonight.

In a poll released last Friday by Rasmussen, Cochran is up 42-34.

Chism Poll

Rasmussen Poll


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