Now This… Is A Knife!

The day I brought this knife home, I carefully used a cotton t-shirt to wipe a smudge off of the blade. Not carefully enough! It sliced through the shirt, and shaved my fingerprint off, without drawing blood. I shitunot!

So is this.

I have both, along with several other fine products from the good folks at Cold Steel, including some that are discontinued. Be sure and check out the specialty items, such as the blow-gun. Sometimes bringing in small game without letting everyone know you are in the woods, is a good thing.

I bring this up, because of the uncertain times we are facing, and for the need to be prepared. Many people are arming themselves, some for the first time. Also, many are learning old ways of doing things, like gardening, canning and freezing, all because of the economic uncertainties, and the societal problems that usually result during such times.

I have carried a knife, since I was about six years old, when my grandfather gave me my first Uncle Buck pocket folder. While there is merit in so many citizens arming themselves these days, even though they should not have waited until now, the utility in having an edged weapon, should never be underestimated. They don’t need to be reloaded, they never malfunction or misfire, no permit or premises restrictions, and can make the difference in a life and death situation that a firearm would be useless in. An example would be, extracting yourself from a burning car, when the shoulder harness release is jammed. I have witnessed two men burn alive in a car, in separate incidents, and in each, the restraint release was broken, due to the energy of their body weight on the mechanism.

Once again, better to have it and not need it, than to need it, and not have it.

3 Responses

  1. Indeed. For people that are good with animals, a large dog or two is also a very good home and property protective measure. For people that have no knowledge of animal training and the traits of individual breeds, a large dog or two is a very, very bad idea. I have been watching a television show in which a dog trainer goes in to help people with their screwed up dogs, and it is always a case of a screwed up owner not understanding animal behavior not training properly.

    If a person has no doubt as to their heirarchy in the dog pack (and it better be alpha male or female) then a protective breed dog with their phenomenal hearing and smelling can detect an intruder far better than a human with their limited senses.

    Actually, a little ankle biter can alert their person to potential danger of an intruder lurking outside. My grandmother, in her final years, grew to be quite seeing and hearing impaired; her little poodle Brandy alerted her to things like phones ringing and a mailman or deliveryman at the door. She knew grandma had trouble seeing her and took care to lie down for a snooze under a chair where grandma couldn’t trip over her.

  2. Different things for different folks, I suppose. I’m not a knife person, really, except for a little whittling, but I’ve taken on bulls and bad stallions with an axe handle for defense, and pissed off sows with a sheep crook.

    I loves a good baseball bat!

  3. Then Swampie, click on the “specialty items” on the link to Cold Steel.
    Girl, do they ever have the baseball bat for you.

    Beto, I discovered that a grinding and buffing wheel were much better than a stone.
    For those who aren’t familiar with a sub-hilt, it’s value is immense.
    I have a little Gerber teflon coated titanium pocket folder, that is one of my little friends. I also carry a necklace knife.
    I have learned, never-ever-never walk outside without a sharp knife.

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