FEMA is a no-show in hard hit Kentucky

From AP reports … Hundreds of thousands of homes are without power in ice-ravaged Appalachia. Dozens of deaths have been reported, and many have run short of food and bottled water. First responders have their hands full. Anger is building at the perceived lack of assistance from FEMA.

Local officials grew angrier at what they said was a lack of help from the state and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

In Kentucky’s Grayson County, about 80 miles southwest of Louisville, Emergency Management Director Randell Smith said the 25 National Guardsmen who have responded have no chain saws to clear fallen trees. He said roads are littered with fallen trees and people shivering in bone-chilling cold are in need.

“We’ve got people out in some areas we haven’t even visited yet,” Smith said. “We don’t even know that they’re alive.”

Smith said FEMA was still a no-show days after the storm.

“I’m not saying we can’t handle it,” Smith said. “We’re handling it. But it sure would have made life a lot easier.”

Our prayers go out to all those folks in the affected areas. Those of us who have had dealings with FEMA’s disaster support have much sympathy for those of you who will need their assistance. They are the most screwed up Federal agency ever conceived. And, as much as I would enjoy taking this opportunity to make the claim that FEMA’s failure is proof that Barack Obama hates white people, I won’t.

WFFOT: Still want that flying car?

New Scientist takes a look at “Ten sci-fi devices that could soon be in your hands”.

Yes friends, the flying car is included. Or personal spaceship, or your own jet-pack.
Old news you say? Maybe. But, this part seems kind of interesting to me..

your personal spacecraft could fly into orbit on a beam of microwaves shone upwards from the ground.

Bad news? The inventor says it’s still 50 years away. I don’t think I’ll be able to wait for that one. But some of the other devices don’t have such a long lead time.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's OasisThis is the World Famous Friday Open Thread. A free speech zone. Track-backs welcome.

WFFOT: “Jaaaaaaaane! How do you stop this crazy thing?”



Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Wingless – Alastair Crooke on Gaza & Hamas – living in the twilight zone!, DragonLady’s World, Wingless – Sura 5:32 – When Killing isn’t Murder, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, Allie is Wired, Political Byline, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Wingless – What Lead to Cast Lead, The World According to Carl, Wingless – Cuba: Beautiful Country, People…Not so Beautiful System…, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, Wingless, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

R.I.P. Billy Powell

Jacksonville News is reporting that the long-time keyboard player for Lynyrd Skynyrd has died. Billy Powell was 56.

Billy Powell, a longtime keyboard player for Lynyrd Skynyrd who survived the band’s 1977 plane crash, died at his Orange Park condo early this morning, according to police.

Orange Park Police Chief James Boivin said Powell called 911 from his condo in Club Continental and was pronounced dead at 1:52 a.m. after rescue crews performed CPR on him. Boivin said he was told Powell had an appointment with his heart specialist Monday but never made the appointment.


Mad Tuesday

Mad Magazine looks at Obama.

Last year.

And this year.


Robert Gibbs is a busy guy

President Obama has decided to back off from a trade war for now. Turns out he isn’t quite ready to begin a Trans-Pacific trade war with the Chinese after all.

U. .S. Treasury Secretary-designate Timothy Geithner was not making a formal finding last week when he told senators China was manipulating its currency, a White House official said on Monday.

“Mr.Geithner was restating what the president had said during the campaign, not making any determinations,” White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters. source

See? It was just something Obama said, not what he really meant. Or something like that. Kind of like the “No Lobbyists” rule. Yesterday it was William Lynn, and today it was William Corr.

“Even the toughest rules require reasonable exceptions,” White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told The Associated Press. “Our waiver provisions are designed to allow uniquely qualified individuals like Bill Corr and Bill Lynn to serve the public interest in these critical times.” source

Well, naturally.

Critical times indeed. So critical, that the the Pelosi House has included a wad of money to fund contraception and family planning in the critical economic stimulus package. Because, as we know, elections have consequences, as Obama reminded us yesterday in his “I Won” comment (later explained away by Robert Gibbs as not to be a “cowboy moment”).

Thanks for clearing that up for us Robert.

Update: It looks like Pelosi’s contraceptive stimulus won’t make the final cut after all. Obama appears to be backing off, but Robert Gibbs has been so busy, he sent out the B-team.

“The principles of what he thought should be in the package–that wasn’t part of that,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton told CNSNews.com. “They’re working on what the final bill should look like.” source

Rove: One year from now, Gitmo won’t be closed

Karl Rove gave a no-holds barred defense of the Bush Administration to a capacity crowd at Storer Auditorium at the University of Miami Thursday afternoon.  Here is an excerpt …

The “campaign architect,” as he is commonly called, built a case against President Barack Obama’s order to close Guantanamo, an overseas CIA detention center where terrorists and other “enemy combatants” are held. Obama’s order could enable terrorists to be tried in U.S. courts, to be given undeserved rights afforded American citizens and could cause damaging long-term effects, Rove said.

“One year from now, Gitmo won’t be closed,” Rove said. “If it is, there will be an uproar in the U.S. about where to put these people.”

Dang straight.

h/t politico

Same Old Saturday Night Blues

Now This… Is A Knife!

The day I brought this knife home, I carefully used a cotton t-shirt to wipe a smudge off of the blade. Not carefully enough! It sliced through the shirt, and shaved my fingerprint off, without drawing blood. I shitunot!

So is this.

I have both, along with several other fine products from the good folks at Cold Steel, including some that are discontinued. Be sure and check out the specialty items, such as the blow-gun. Sometimes bringing in small game without letting everyone know you are in the woods, is a good thing.

I bring this up, because of the uncertain times we are facing, and for the need to be prepared. Many people are arming themselves, some for the first time. Also, many are learning old ways of doing things, like gardening, canning and freezing, all because of the economic uncertainties, and the societal problems that usually result during such times.

I have carried a knife, since I was about six years old, when my grandfather gave me my first Uncle Buck pocket folder. While there is merit in so many citizens arming themselves these days, even though they should not have waited until now, the utility in having an edged weapon, should never be underestimated. They don’t need to be reloaded, they never malfunction or misfire, no permit or premises restrictions, and can make the difference in a life and death situation that a firearm would be useless in. An example would be, extracting yourself from a burning car, when the shoulder harness release is jammed. I have witnessed two men burn alive in a car, in separate incidents, and in each, the restraint release was broken, due to the energy of their body weight on the mechanism.

Once again, better to have it and not need it, than to need it, and not have it.

Obama moves toward trade war with China

President Obama’s Treasury Secretary nominee, Tim Geithner made statement today which will most certainly catch the attention of China. In a written response to questions submitted at his confirmation hearing, Geithner accused the Chinese government of currency manipulation.

“President Obama — backed by the conclusions of a broad range of economists — believes that China is manipulating its currency,” … {snip}
As an Illinois senator, Obama had co-sponsored legislation aimed at changing how the US government formally determines currency manipulation and authorizes new trade reprisal measures.

During the presidential campaign, he had accused China of suppressing its currency’s true strength to make its exports more competitive, echoing some US lawmakers who blamed the snowballing US trade deficit with China on the weak yuan and have sought sanctions against Beijing. AFP

This is a serious and fundamental policy shift, signaling a move against the Chinese. It is one that will have consequences, both seen and unforeseen. We can expect higher prices for imported goods, and a reduction in trade as China retaliates. We can expect fewer bond purchases by China which will drive bond prices down and boost yields – which, eventually, would cause borrowing costs for residential and some corporate customers to increase. The unforeseen consequences may actually make deflation more of a problem instead of less, as deleveraging and the unwinding of debt continues to impair corporate balance sheets.

I’ve got a bad feeling about this. I think we may have just passed a mile marker of some kind. The serious recession that we have endured for the last year may have just shifted into a 30’s style depression, fueled by bumbling politicians and an unnecessary trade war.


This is the World Famous Friday Open Thread, a free speech zone. Track backs welcome.
WFFOT: Feeling all hopey-changey yet?

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's OasisTrackposted to Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Rosemary’s Thoughts, third world county, Allie is Wired, Political Byline, Woman Honor Thyself, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, DragonLady’s World, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Obama’s first mistake

In a post I wrote on election night, I said that “a part of me desperately wants to believe that Obama will be [a] breath of fresh air….[but] I remain profoundly afraid that he’s just not ready for the job.”   I didn’t vote for him, but I hoped that I was wrong about him not being ready, while fearing that I was right.  Today I got my first inkling that I might have been right.

In a front page story written by Joseph Williams and Bryan Bender which appeared in today’s Boston Globe, it was reported how President Obama is apparently ready to sign an executive order suspending trials at Guantanamo Bay, including the trials of the five suspected terrorists who allegedly masterminded the 9/11 attacks, as well as closing the facility altogether in a year’s time.  This is not surprising in itself; he said he would do that when he was running for office.

But here’s the sentence that froze the blood in my veins:  “Longtime advisers on the issue said Obama would probably establish a team to conduct a case-by-case review of the evidence against all 245 detainees remaining at the prison with the aim of sending as many as possible back home” (emphasis mine).

Sending “as many as possible back home”?  As in: let them go free?  Can someone please tell me why this would be a good idea?  The people held prisoner in Gitmo aren’t there because of overdue parking tickets, right?

Look, by all means review the cases as expeditiously as possible.  One can certainly argue that this should have been done already.  If you have evidence against them, try them.  If you don’t, release them.  That’s how our system of justice is supposed to work.  And admittedly, Gitmo has not always worked very well.

But it’s the “aim of sending as many as possible back home” part that’s really scaring me here.  My immediate problem with this is that the 245 are there because they are suspected al-Qaeda, Taliban or other foreign fighters who pose a threat to the United States.  This means it’s a safe bet that they hate America.  I think it’s also a safe bet that the years spent at Gitmo haven’t done much to change that.  So what do you suppose these guys are going to do upon their release?   Well, here’s a wild guess:  they’re probably going to engage in more terrorist activities.

Now I suppose it’s possible that the Globe reporters have somehow gotten it wrong.  There is also talk of relocating these prisoners to Kansas and or Pennsylvania.   This raises another thorny issue:  if we close Gitmo, where do we put them? It seems like nobody wants these guys.

All this really amounts to is a symbolic gesture from Obama (see, world? that bad man George Bush is gone!  It’s OK to like America again!)  Unfortunately, foreign policy isn’t about being liked, it’s about being respected, even feared.  People don’t attack you if they’re afraid of you.  If you have any doubt of that, ask yourself this: when was the last time Russia or China was attacked by terrorists (or anyone else, for that matter)?

I know this all sounds rather bellicose, but that’s just how it is.  Sure, the Bush administration cut corners and was ham fisted in some of its approaches, but stop to consider the difficulty of the job they had.  It would be nice if terrorists would all go around wearing Osama bin Laden t-shirts, but unfortunately, it just doesn’t work that way.  The terrorist’s stock in trade is secrecy.  Piercing that veil often takes extraordinary measures.  While you might not have liked the CIA’s tactics, you can’t argue with the results: there have been no terrorist attacks on American soil since 9/11.

This is usually the part where the hand wringers start whining about “torture”, which I always find ironic, given the amount of suffering the victims of the 9/11 attacks must have gone through before they died.  Come to think of it, what is the score on that account?  Let’s see, that would be: People Who Died on 9/11–2,985 vs. People Who Have Died at Gitmo: 0.

Yes, torture, in this case water boarding, isn’t very nice.  But last time I checked, neither is blowing up buildings and killing innocent people.  It amazes and disgusts me that some in this country have more sympathy for terrorists than for their victims.

In a nutshell:  if you have information about past or (more importantly) pending terrorist activities, I want our government to get that information out of you, by any means necessary.  Now since I’m basically a softie, I’m all in favor of giving you the chance to volunteer this information, well, voluntarily.  But if it turns out that the only reason you’re giving up this information is because it’s the only way you can think of to stop the pain, I’m fine with that.  Almost 3,000 people (maybe more) died on 9/11.  If subjecting you to some temporary discomfort will prevent that from happening again, then so be it.

Obama is off to a bad start with this one.  If he closes Guantanamo, he has made the world a more dangerous place for all of us.


Welcoming A New Neighbor, And A Great President!


As the attention in the media is misplaced today, as it so often is, I make note of the most newsworthy item of the day. President George Bush, and his most gracious first lady, Laura, will be departing the festering cesspool, known as Washington, D.C., and returning to the great state of Texas.

I am not alone in welcoming he and his bride home, as witnessed by the above yard sign, created and distributed by two young men here in Dallas. There are many, scattered around the near neighborhoods to W’s new home. While I am glad to be getting such a good new neighbor, I was a bit surprised that he didn’t move to the ranch. I certainly would have, after all the hard work, and senseless drivel he has had to put up with from the idiots on the left, but Laura wanted to live in town, and W will be close to his Presidential library and policy center.

I have voted four times for W, since his political career began, and have never regretted it, and never will. As our two term governor, his accomplishments were tremendous, and his sincerity for doing what was best for Texas was so compelling, that the legendary Lt. Gov. Bob Bullock, the long time leader of the Democrats in Texas, even endorsed W for his second term as Governor, despite the fact that his God-Son was W’s opponent. W took that same attitude of governance to D.C.(District of Chaos), but encountered the poisoned well of liberalism, which is unwilling to show a modicum of respect to a dignified man, if he doesn’t adhere to their delusional view of the world in which we live.

The Bush family begins their return home today, first with a visit to the city where he and Laura first met, and his career began, Midland, Texas. They are expecting a sold out event, for their welcome home.

From his first day in office, to the last, W has always remained true to what he believed was right, and was seldom wrong, in following that course. His tax cuts propelled our economy to unprecedented numbers, despite the Democrats resistance, and their failure to adhere to his advice, resulting in the economic declines in the past year.

What will be remembered foremost, about W’s years in office, is his successful leadership in the GWOT, that there have been no attacks on American soil since 9-11-01, despite many attempts, and that he liberated over 50,000,000 people, helped create new democratically elected governments in the middle east, removed a brutal, murderous, terrorists supporting dictator, scattered the Taliban and Al Qaida into the hills, and exposed our alleged European allies, and the UN, for the feckless appeasers ands cowards, they truly are.

Here are a few other voices:

Kyle-Ann Shiver

Your Iraq War was the rallying cry for mad Mullahs and their proselytized masses in every little country and Islamic enclave from here to Europe to Africa and across the Arab world. What genius. While you drew them all to Iraq, and they were forced to fight our soldiers and marines, they could not simultaneously perpetrate atrocities against our civilian populace at home. I’ll say it again and again. Brilliant, dear Sir, just brilliant.

I’ll thank you to my dying day for your astute decision to house the enemy combatants in Cuba, and not here on American soil. How many American children you’ve saved, we’ll never know, but that you have saved many is undeniable. I’ll put the right to safety of American school children over the rights of terrorist, homicidal maniacs every day. Coming up with solutions to thorny, never-before-encountered problems is yet another mark of your wartime sagacity.

So, G.W., I bid you a sad farewell; I miss you already. You are one President, dear Sir, who has been fully worthy of the title, and I doubt we’ll see your equal, perhaps ever again. Courage like yours doesn’t seem to come along more than once or twice in a generation.


The credit for the West’s wholly transformed strategic position in that region(ME) must go to President George W. Bush. Thank you, Mr. President.

Greg Sheridan

More generally, in a world supposedly awash in anti-US sentiment, pro-American leaders keep winning elections. Germany’s Angela Merkel is certainly more pro-American than Gerhard Schroeder, whom she replaced. The same is true of France’s Nicolas Sarkozy.

More importantly in terms of Green’s analysis, the same is also true of South Korea’s new President. Lee Myung-bak, elected in a landslide in December, is vastly more pro-American than his predecessor, Roh Moo-hyun.

Even in majority Islamic societies, their populations allegedly radicalised and polarised by Bush’s campaign in Iraq and the global war on terror more generally, election results don’t show any evidence of these trends. In the most recent local elections in Indonesia, and in national elections in Pakistan, the Islamist parties with anti-American rhetoric fared very poorly. Similarly Kevin Rudd was elected as a very pro-American Labor leader, unlike Mark Latham, with his traces of anti-Americanism, who was heavily defeated.


But had there been another terrorist attack or, even worse, a dozen more in cities all over America – a fear that would not have been exaggerated on 9/12 – would we have allowed ourselves the luxury of quarreling over legally suspect counterterrorism measures, even though such internal debates are credits to our liberal democracy and constitutional freedoms?

Terrorism is now largely off the table in the minds of most Americans.

But in gearing up to elect a new president, we are left to wonder how, in spite of numerous failed policies and poor judgement, President Bush’s greatest achievement was denied to him by people who ungratefully availed themselves of the protection that his administration provided.

Robert Gates

Some might remember the story of Staff Sergeant Michael McNaughton of the Louisiana National Guard. In January 2003, he stepped on a land mine 30 miles north of Kabul and lost his right leg. President Bush visited Michael at Walter Reed and suggested they go for a run when he received his prosthetic. Months later Michael and the president jogged around the South Lawn of the White House together.

A single promise to a single soldier. A small act that reflects President Bush’s commitment to care for and honor every member of the armed forces. Mr. President, every day these volunteers execute your orders with courage and determination – facing down danger for the greater good of America. On behalf of more than two million men and women in uniform, we are deeply grateful for your leadership and service to America in a time of war.

Finally and personally, I would like to thank you for granting me the opportunity to serve as Secretary of Defense. It is true that I have been known to grouse from time to time about coming back to Washington, D.C. Yet working every day with our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines has been the greatest honor of my life and I will always owe you a debt of gratitude for that. I have appreciated your steadfast confidence and support over these past two years. I wish you and Laura the very best as you begin the next phase in your lives.

There are many, many more grateful voices that appreciate President Bush and the great job he did in protecting it’s citizens, and policies promoting a robust economy. I will be the first to criticize him for not using his veto authority in his first term, on so many bills that I believe he should have vetoed. I believe government spending was too high, that he didn’t defend himself vigorously enough to the critical voices raised against him, and that he didn’t use his political capital for reforming Social(ist) Security. However, I can disagree with many of his policies, without affixing the deluded notions that the ignorant and venomous left has so reveled in, for the past eight years.

I sincerely welcome you home, Mr. President. You and your family deserve the respect and dignity you have always displayed to others, and you certainly deserve the peace that will come, now that you are removed from the public arena. As your new neighbor, I look forward to seeing your motorcades when you and your bride go out on shopping trips, or important appointments. As a true Texan, I will always give a friendly wave, and situation permitting, I will always try and exit my vehicle, and give you a proper salute, for being my Commander In Chief. I was always proud to vote for you, and you have made me proud in the way you conducted yourself in office, and by returning decency and dignity to the White House, after the previous occupants antics.

Thank You, President Bush, and Laura, for all you have done, and welcome home!

Cross posted at Urban Grounds.

Just words? (Part 2)

It’s just one word, but John Roberts and Barack Obama had difficulty with a preposition during the administration of the Presidential Oath of Office …

Each president recites the following oath, in accordance with Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” source

“Of”, instead of “to”. Does this mean the new POTUS is really the new PTTUS?

Bush commutes Compean and Ramos

Breaking. President Bush commutes sentences for Border Agents Compean and Ramos!

ramoscompeanadThis is very good news for Americans who have argued that Compean and Ramos should have never been convicted in the first place. It is also wonderful news for the families.

Fox News is reporting that that the men are scheduled for release on March 20.

Mr. Bush could have given the agents a full pardon, but chose instead to commute the sentences. AP reports that according to a “senior admnistration official”…

Mr. Bush “believed they were excessive and that they had already suffered the loss of their jobs, freedom and reputations.

The action by the president, who believes the border agents received fair trials and that the verdicts were just, does not diminish the seriousness of their crimes, the official said.

Read more at foxnews.com, and at Yahoo.com ………

So, New Year’s Resolutions Come Three Weeks Behind Schedule

In the spirit of “Loyal Opposition My [redacted],” I would like to offer y’all some cheer for the upcoming inauguration. Yes, we thought that the gag-worthy Obamessiah Adoration would be over after the election, but it seems to have increased in frequency – much like a teenage boy, whom, having finally gotten laid, is not calm and satisfied, but wants more – and more – and more.

At any rate, there are some silver linings in all this. Thanks to Glenn Beck, there’s a theme song for Tuesday’s festivities.

The top New Year’s Resolution – to lose weight – has not been a paragon of success – until now. Who can deny that the idolatry of Obama is nauseating? Who hasn’t lost her appetite (yes, even for things made out of chocolate) while watching the media-love-fest, which puts baby-talking teenagers who sit on each other’s laps to shame? Who hasn’t thrown up, if even in their mouths, if even a little, in the past few months? Fear not, dear readers: weight loss just got easier. Move over, small portions and blue plates! Obama is the New South Beach Diet.

The New York Times is running out of money – fast. Apparently, people don’t want to buy the paper that sent Maureen Dowd on a fact-finding mission to Alaska that was reminiscent of Joe Wilson’s “fact-finding” mission to Nigeria.

The pundits are already pointing out that Obama cannot possibly deliver on all of his promises. (Granted, we wish they had said so in October, but ’tis the nature of the modern media.) This allows plenty of opportunity to say “I told you so” and the like.

Americans who are abroad and are ashamed of being from this country are feeling the love from foreigners. Silver lining: those unpatriotic, thankless pansywaists are more likely to stay abroad.

Sorry for the rant (sort of!) – but I figured that y’all have to be more than a little tired of the love-fest.

Pre Inaugural Stress Syndrome Open Thread

leg-rest-for-post-inauguration-stress-syndromeI’ve finally been able to come up with the descriptive term for the tingling sensation running down my leg, as the 44th President of the United States begins his term of service.

Pre Inaugural Stress Syndrome.

And, after Tuesday, it will most likely evolve into Post Inaugural Stress Syndrome, thus preserving its acronymical integrity.

This is the World Famous Friday Open Thread: A Free Speech Zone.

WFFOT: One day late, two dollars short.

Trackbacks welcome.

(photo h/t: webloggin)


Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's OasisTrackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, third world county, Allie is Wired, Political Byline, Woman Honor Thyself, Adam’s Blog, The World According to Carl, DragonLady’s World, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, and Democrat=Socialist, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Sen. Cornyn requests pardon for Ramos and Compean

A Plea to President Bush:

More than two years after they were sentenced, former Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean still sit in federal prison for their actions in attempting to apprehend a drug runner who was smuggling 743 pounds of marijuana valued at $1.2 million from Mexico into the United States.

To protect them from prison gangs eager to attack law enforcement officers, the Bureau of Prisons keeps the two agents separate from the general prison population. Today, Ramos and Compean sit in solitary cells in Phoenix, and Elkton, Ohio, respectively, hundreds of miles from their homes and families in Texas.

Because of the excesses of the prosecution against them, they will continue to sit alone in those cells for another decade. That is unless President Bush commutes their unjust sentences. In his remaining days as President, I ask President Bush to show mercy and use his clemency power to give back Agents Ramos and Compean the next 10 years of their lives.

Along with U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, I have written two letters to the President urging commutation—and have spoken publicly many more times on this injustice.

Law enforcement officers hold a special place in our society. Those with authority to investigate and incarcerate others possess enormous power. But, like their fellow citizens, law enforcement officers must be held accountable when they act outside the law—and must be treated no better and no worse if prosecuted for a crime. While a jury of their peers found that Ramos and Compean exceeded the authority entrusted to them, I have reached the conclusion as a Senator, a former judge, and a citizen, that the loss of their jobs and the prison time they have already served has been more than enough punishment.

Time is short, Mr. President. Please do the right thing. Free Ramos and Compean.

More great stuff at Big Hollywood

Andrew Breitbart’s Big Hollywood is quickly becoming everything that Pajamas Media promised to be several years ago, but never quite delivered on. It is also becoming one of my daily stops.

This piece, from Doug TenNapel takes a thoughtful look at one of my own pet peeves: the intolerance of those who claim that religious people are intolerant. Nice work, Doug.

And, while you’re there, check out the movie reviews for the “feel good hits of 2009”, written in the way that can only shout Iowahawk!!

Pardon Ramos and Compean

Only one week remains for President Bush to do the right thing for imprisoned Border Patrol officers Ramos and Compean.

It’s time, Mr. President. Free these men. Pardon them, or commute their sentences to time served.


Friday metal

The Friday metal thread is officially open! American thighs and all.

UBS to close accounts

The Patriot Act could claim thousands of scalps in the coming weeks as Swiss banking giant UBS has announced that it will close some 19,000 accounts of their American clientele. From the NYT

In a step that would have once been unthinkable in the rarefied world of Swiss banking, UBS will shut about 19,000 accounts that prosecutors suspect have gone undeclared to the Internal Revenue Service.

UBS will transfer the assets to other banks or other divisions within UBS, or will mail checks directly to the account holders, creating paper trails for federal prosecutors who are examining whether UBS clients used such accounts to evade taxes.

The clients now face stark choices: they can cash their checks, and thereby alert the authorities to any potential wrongdoing, or not cash them, effectively losing their money.

Or they can transfer the money to new banks, a procedure which, in the case of foreign banks, requires depositors of more than $10,000 to report the new account to the Treasury Department.

“You can either take that check and throw it in the woods, or deposit it somewhere and get busted,” said a UBS client, who asked not to be named because of the investigations into UBS and its clients. “There’s nowhere to hide.” …

But because prosecutors claim that some UBS clients failed to make adequate disclosures in the past or lied on their tax returns about holding offshore accounts, the authorities may view the new disclosures as criminal evidence, not just of tax evasion but also of money laundering, a more serious offense.

Indeed. Money Laundering is very, very serious.

It seems like the law that was designed to starve islamic terrorists of the money to finance their operations will be used to sock it to wealthy Americans who have evaded income taxes. Although the list of names that will surface will be interesting to see, the actions by UBS reveal the need for junking the tax code and replacing it with the Fair Tax.


This is The World Famous Friday Open Thread: a free speech zone. Trackbacks welcome.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's OasisTrackposted to , Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, third world county, Political Byline, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, DragonLady’s World, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, and A Newt One/ American Truth Warriors, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe

Liveblogging the BCS Championship Game

(((Watch the game)))

At the end of the 1st quarter, Florida is 1st and 20 at their own 31 following back to back false-start penalties (both on #75).

Oklahoma punted on their first two possessions, although I’ve got to say that Bradford looks very sharp.

Second quarter: on third and long, Tebow finds Murphy over the middle for a touchdown. Gators 7-0.

OU takes the kickoff out to the 35, and on consecutive runs, the Sooners move the ball to the Florida 35. Another running play takes it to the Gators 20. A Bradford pass over the middle, and it’s first and goal at the 5. The tempo has picked up considerably… On 2nd and goal, Bradford hits Grisham for the score.

No scoring in the first quarter, but 3 minutes into the 2nd, we have two touchdowns scored!

On the next drive, Tebow is intercepted, and OU is in business on the Florida 26. On the first play from scrimmage, Chris Brown takes it inside the 10, 1st and goal OU. Brown takes the ball off the right side for 6 yards, and OU is running at will on the Gators. Third down, OU in the I formation, and Brown is stopped for a one yard loss. Brown is stopped for another one yd loss on 4th down trying to run off left tackle! Florida takes over on their own 3 yard line.

Woo hoo, we got us a game here folks!

On 1st and 10 after the media timeout, Harvin takes it out to midfield on a 45 yard scamper. His left ankle isn’t looking too bad.

OU’s Balogun comes up big and stops Rainey on 1st down for a loss. On 2nd down, Rainey takes a short pass and moves into OU territory. 3rd down Tebow comes up short, and UF punts into the endzone.

At this point, the big surprise to me is the effectiveness of OU’s ground game. The quick strike offense has moved in two plays to midfield. and Bradford is ready to go again. The clock moves under two minutes, and Johnson catches a pass to the UF 40. Iglesias takes a short pass for 4 yds, and the clock moves under one minute. Gresham takes a short pass for a short gain, and OU has to take a timeout.
Two more plays, and two more first downs.
On 1st and 10 from the 22, a blitz forces Bradford to throw it away with 22 seconds on the clock. Another blitz on 2nd down produces the same result. On 3rd, Bradford hits Gresham to the 9, and its 1st and goal with 10 seconds to go before half. Bradford is intercepted on a bobbled pass by Wright. Oh man, what a great half of football. It just don’t get better than this folks.

It’s hard to believe the score is only 7-7.

Each Heisman winning QB has suffered interceptions, and at times both have moved the ball effectively. The long layoff definitely has given the advantage to the defensive side of the ball.

But, I’ve gotta say, the two goal-line stands by the Gators are the only things keeping this game from being a blow-out.

3RD Quarter Florida goes 3 and out, and OU breathes a sigh of relief as Tebow catches OU in single coverage, but his would-be TD pass goes over the fingertips of the Gator receiver. OU takes over at their own 10 yard line.

On 3rd and 3, Bradford hands to Brown for the 1st down. His 1st down bomb to Iglesias is well-thrown, but Iglesias can’t hold on. Incomplete short pass, and 3rd and 10, OU to Gresham for 6, and OU has to punt.

This is weird. OU calls time, comes back and has a false-start, then the Gators call time. Florida gets a roughing call on the punt and OU is back in business.

Bonehead play of the game, so far. Two running plays produce nothing, and OU looks at 3rd and 10, Bradford throws incomplete into triple coverage. It looks like UF dodged a bullet. James fields the punt on the 27, and Florida begins their 2nd possession of the half.


Tebow to Cooper for 10, Tebow option right for 13 yards to midfield. On 2nd and 8, Tebow keeps to the OU 46, 3rd and 4. Tebow on the QB draw down to the 31. On 1st down, Tebow goes long for Murphy, incomplete, and Murphy is injured on the play. Looks like a knee. On 2nd and long, Tebow throws across the middle into double coverage, incomplete. Third and 10: and Tebow keeps for a first down.

Tebow is doing his best to impose his will on the OU defense.

Tebow carries again on 1st down for 7 yards. Option right, and Demps carries to the 2 yard line, and OU grabs a facemask. 1st and goal from the one. Tebow can’t get in on 1st down. Incomplete pass on 2nd down. Third down, from the wildcat formation, Harvin takes it in over the right side for a Gator TD! Oh man, Dan Mullin is calling a great game. 14-7 Gators!

OU starts their next possession at their 29, and it’s Bradford’s turn. Bradford takes a big hit on a first down sack, but appears unfazed as his 2nd down pass is to midfield, and then another first down.

The pace has quickened. A wide receiver screen on second down is one yard short at the FL 27. Brown is dropped for a 3 yard loss, and it’s 4th and 4, and OU will go for 3 points. The kick is blocked! The TV announcer says it’s the 9th block of the year for the gators. Florida takes over and another Florida player is down. Murphy. It looks like either hammy, or maybe cramps. Yup, the announcer just confirmed it. On 2nd and 7, Tebow hands to Harvin over the left side, and it’s 3rd and 3. OU needs a stop right now to stem the gator momentum. Tebow is stopped for no gain and Florida must punt. That was big, big, big.

4th Quarter: OU takes over on their 22, and Brown carries for 9 yards off right tackle. OU in the I formation, and Brown carries to the 35, 1st down. Bradford under center, and hands to Brown again for 3. Florida is flagged for a Personal foul. Another bonehead play. Bradford takes the snap and lays out a sweet pass to Brown for 25 yards down to the UF 22. OU tries to quicksnap, and UF kicks the ball, reset, handoff to Brown on 1st down for a short gain. The fast break offense is something to watch! Florida gets pressure on 2nd down, and the pass is incompplete. 3rd and 8, Bradford passes to Gresham for the first down at the gator 11. Bradford passes to Gresham on first down, Gresham loses a shoe, but makes it into the endzone, PAT is good, tie game 14-14. Dude!!!!

Florida starts on their own 22. Harvin breaks a big gainer for 50 yards! 1st down at the OU 26. Harvin carries again to the OU 15, and appears to be hurt. He walked off under his own power though. 2nd and 6, Tebow throws it away. Great coverage by OU. 3rd down, Harvin is back in the game, Murphy is back in, and Tebow throws it away again. Phillips tries a 28 yard FG, it is GOOD!! Florida 17, OU 14.

Whew. I need a soda.

Iglesias takes the kickoff to the 35, and Bradford is in the shotgun, lofts a fade pass, too long, incomplete. Bradford to Brown for 12. A first down carry for short yardage, and 2nd and 7, Bradford on play action throws over the middle—it’s taken away by Black!!! Dude!!!!! First down Gators.

It’s crunch time for the Sooner Defense.

Inside option to the TE is good for a first down. Nine minutes left in the game, Tebow gets the play and option-right, keeps to the 40. Another crunch down for the Sooners. 3rd and 7, OU shows blitz, and good ole’ #75 has his 3rd false start of the game. 3rd and 12 for the gators, OU rushes 3, and his pass to Cooper is good for 15 yards and a first down to the Sooner 49.

Harvin loses a yard on 1st down as the clock goes under 7 minutes. Tebow throws a strike to Nelson. His best pass of the night. 1st down at the OU 20. Can the OU defense step up again???

Harvin carries to the 15 on 1st down. OU needs to hold the gators to a FG. 2nd down pass to Harvin to the 12. 3rd and short, but another false start on bonehead #75. If Florida loses the game, #75 gets the goat horns. Hernandez bails out #75 on the inside option to the TE. First and goal florida as the clock goes under 6 minutes. 2nd and goal, Tebow throws the jump pass to Nelson, TOUCHDOWN GATORS!!! PAT is good, 24-14. Just over five minutes left in the game.

Iglesias takes the kickoff to the 30, and Sam Bradford takes over. Pressure, pass batted down. Florida has 6 in the box, so the corners are on an island, Bradford throws short to Gresham, and the clock goes under 3 minutes. Third down pass falls incomplete, Bradford looks at 4th and 4. Incomplete……..and with 2:26 to go in the game, the gators appear to have wrapped this one up…..

Sooners must burn their TO’s on defense. One left. Florida players are getting their gatorade ready, but it’s too soon for that. OU can score in a hurry.

Oh well. Tebow just carried off right tackle for 12 yards and a first down. A penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct on Tebow? Dang. Oh well, at this point, field position is irrelevant, just the clock matters. OU burns their final TO with a minute and a half to go.

3rd and 2, and the clock slips under a minute. Tebow carries for a first down, and goes over 100 yards rushing on the night. It’s time to kneel and run out the clock. Gatorade time for Urban Mayer. Florida calls a timeout with 22 seconds and prepares to run the final play. Gators in victory formation and Tebow takes a knee.

That’s all folks. Florida 24 Oklahoma 14.

The Clinton Gore Connection

So, you thought you knew it all, didn’t you? Think again.

Media Bias:Admission By Deletion!

Found this story over at NewsBusters. I really should check them more often, as this story had completely passed me by, though, it could be because I never pay any attention to CNN.

In any event, it seems CNN had placed Super Sarah Palin on their list of Criminals of 2008. As NB stated in their original post, included in the above link:

Palin, however, has done nothing remotely like what these other political ner-do-wells have done. She did not take bribes, she did not indulge in sexual dalliances with co-workers or call girls, she did not get booted from her party or lose her job as Governor. She is not under indictment nor does she face jail time, yet CNN includes her in a list with Rob Blagojevich, John Edwards, Kwame Kilpatrick, Larry Langford, Tim Maloney, Elliot Spitzer and Ted Stevens.

Said whaaaaa?

However, due to an overwhelming response, and a proper bloglashing, CNN, abruptly and surreptitiously, removed Super Sarah from their slide show.

Consider this a victory for the power of the new media, and also a direct admission of either a blatant display of liberal media bias, or a terrible mistake.
I chose the former.

Gary Graham is one pissed-off dude

I’m an American. This has always been my favorite label, but of late even that has seemed to mean less and less. Being called an American used to carry with it a certain pride and esprit de corps that now apparently is dated and passe. How else can one explain the rash of America-haters in our midst who only claim pride in America if a Leftist resides in the White House, and can only back a war effort if the decision to go to war was that of a Democrat.

It gets better!  Read Gary’s piece at Andrew Breitbart’s “Big Hollywood”.

UT takes Ohio State in Fiesta Bowl

A opportunistic 2 minute drill, an advantageous spot on 4th down,  and a missed tackle at the 20 yard line gave the Texas Longhorns a comeback victory over the Buckeyes of THE Ohio State University in the 2009 edition of the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl.  

ESPN quotes Texas QB Colt McCoy, “I don’t think there’s anybody in the country who can beat us at this point.” Of course, this is quite true, simply because there are no more games left for Texas this season.  But  this statement cannot be based on the Longhorns’ performance on the field tonight.

The pre-game buzz centered around some type of  statement  that an overwhelming Texas victory would send to the poll voters in split-championship dream fantasy.  

Color me unimpressed. Texas was physically manhandled by the underdogs from the Big Ten Conference.  Yes, they won the game, but it was another underwhelming performance by the much-ballyhooed Big-12.

For most of the night, the Buckeyes stifled the high-powered Longhorns, who averaged 43.9 points this season but mustered only a field goal in the first half. They didn’t lead until a nifty third-quarter touchdown run by McCoy, who also threw for 414 yards and two scores with an interception.

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