Gozillionairres? World Peace, Please

What are you gonna do if you hit the Mega Million Jack Pot? Estimated at $640 Million?????

I’m going to buy me some Whirled Peas.

Romney can unite the GOP

I know you can’t believe the title of this post, but bear with me for a second.

I believe all Romney  has to do is this:  offer a heartfelt apology for Romneycare. Tell us that he has seen the light, and he realizes that it was wrong to impose government health insurance on the citizenry.

Will we believe him?

No.  Of course not.  Frankly, we don’t believe the bastard on any of his previous flip-flops either.  Here is the point: There is NF way I am going to vote for Romney until and unless he apologizes for Romneycare He is going to have to walk this one all the way back.

So, there you are, Gov Romney.

You want a reset button?  Like an ‘Etch-a-sketch’  toy?

Here is your solution.

Trending at Cnn, Allahpundit at Hot Air

Nuke says

20 years ago, I admitted to myself that my life had become unmanageable, and that I was powerless over alcohol.  I began to make changes in my life by working the 12 steps of AA, and accepting the grace of God in my life.

That grace was expressed to me many times in the love and fellowship of the Alcoholics Anonymous.  They told me to get a sponsor, and ‘keep coming back.’  I did.

What a difference it has made.

Twenty years.

Thank God.



And it makes me wonder

English: Newt Gingrich at a political conferen...


“Hey, can you play, Stairway to Heaven?”

And, for the first time in a long while, I didn’t automatically change the channel.

It wasn’t like I had to break out the air guitar or anything.  Besides, it was only a short drive to the polls, and as an official “undecided” voter, I needed some background music to listen to while I was making up my mind.   Santorum or Gingrich, 6 of one … half dozen of the other.  Only thing is, I’ve wanted to vote for Gingrich for President for a long time, and this is the first opportunity I’ve had.  I’ll vote for Santorum if he gets the nomination, and I don’t feel the same way about Romney.

Over the past week, I’ve received a couple of phone calls each from Santorum and Gingrich supporters, but  easily 2 dozen Romney robo-calls.  Each call was a negative info hit about Santorum or Gingrich.  I kept remembering Barbara  Bush last week whining about all of the negative campaigning, and how it is hurting her guy Mitt — but it’s always Romney doing the negative campaigning.

There’s a sign on the wall, but she wants to be sure, cause you know sometimes words have two meanings ..

I am tired of it, too.  It got to where would just hang up on the Romney calls.  The talking heads are saying he has outspent  his competition 5 to 1, but it seems a lot more than that. Romney has been all over TV.  Gingrich has been on radio.  Santorum has been on TV, but not that often.

The big question might just be turnout.  I voted around 11 AM and was #28 on the roll.  There was no crowd at all.  Only one other voter at the poll.  If the turnout is as light as my experience indicates, the best organization will be favored, and that means Romney. .

And it makes me wonder …

My prediction for Mississippi:  Romney 39, Gingrich 30, Santorum 21, Paul 9.

Update:  Just got another robo-call from the romney campaign.  If he loses, it won’t be because he didn’t leave it on the court.

More from:  Y’all Politics;      Jxn Jambalaya


Which was your piece of chicken?

This evening at Supper, I was taken on one of those memory jogs that lasts only a few seconds, but is as clear and vivid as any, by a question my wife asked her brother.

“How were your gizzards?”

And just like that I was sitting at the kitchen table 40 years ago in Natchez, waiting for the Blessing to be asked, and eyeing the prize that was the staple of so many Jones family Sunday dinners.

Momma’s fried chicken.

Brenda would take a drumstick.  Mom preferred the pulley bone  and the liver.  I would start with two pieces also, a thigh, and the gizzard.  Nobody else liked the gizzard, but I loved it.  Especially hot, and I would always eat it first.  Frank would take a thigh and the back, and Dad would get the breast.  Later on, Frank would begin to get the pulley bone, and Mom would take the other breast. I attributed this to favoritism until I realized that Mom had simply given up on the idea of stretching two meals out of one chicken.

So she was simply deciding to go ahead and let us finish it all in one sitting.

And boy could we eat.  Especially when Frank and I were both in our teens.  Dad would claim that it took so much to fill us up that our legs must have been hollow.

Momma‘s fried chicken is famous in our family for its seasoned crustiness, lovingly prepared, to tasty Southern perfection.

Even the gizzard.


Obama sets new food stamp record

The number of Americans receiving Food Stamp aid has surpassed 46 million for the first time ever.

Although his campaign scoffed at the suggestion that he is “The Food Stamp President”, the numbers speak for themselves. As of December 2011, there are now a record 46.5 million Americans receiving Food Stamps. source

  So the hits just keep on coming for Mr. Obama. He has now presided over the largest increase in the national debt in a single administration in our Country’s history. He has presided over the first downgrade of our Nation’s debt rating. He has refused to enforce laws passed by Congress, while at the same time encouraging Congress to pass a takeover of the Country’s healthcare system, using arcane parliamentary procedures, and against public opinion.

His stewardship of the Nations’ economy has been a dismal failure.  Each month brings a fresh new round of economic happy talk, but the grim number of unemployed and under-employed Americans reflected in the record growth of Food Stamps speaks of a country that is not in recovery mode, but rather, one that is mired in some type of Fed-induced, stag-flationary Twilight Zone.

Mr. Obama should spare the Country the final months of his Presidency and go ahead and resign.

For the good of the Country, Mr. Obama needs to go.

It’s time Mr. President. Do the Right thing.

Get Bracken’s #EFAD Kindle download for free — TODAY !!

Matt Bracken says:

Want to join a beat-up old ex-Navy SEAL, ocean sailor and book writer on a real-world covert cyber operation? I knew you did. So here’s the deal.

The idea is a national clandestine psyop, using my first novel as a vehicle. On next Thursday, March 1, Enemies Foreign And Domestic will be put into Amazon Kindle’s free library, for a period of up to five days.

Where EFAD’s free download promotion will be different from those of the thousands of fantasy/romance/vampire novels currently offered on Kindle, is that I’m simultaneously coordinating a mass plan to ensure that Operation EFAD goes hyper-viral on all constitutionally-oriented, freedom-loving, and Second Amendment websites and blogs at the same time.

Or on at least on as many as I can reach, and that is where you come in. There are literally hundreds of patriotic websites and blogs, and I can only reach a few. You can reach them all, every last one. And then some. More about this in the next communiqué on D Minus Six.

Despite its many limitations, Twitter will be useful for rapid tactical coordination. Operation Enemies Foreign And Domestic will be code-named #EFAD, in order to use Twitter as an always-open back channel for project updates and participant feedback. By typing #EFAD into the Twitter search field, you will find every new message related to the operation. I am @MattBracken48 on Twitter, I am Matt Bracken on Facebook, and I can be reached by email at steelcutter48 at gmail.com.

RIP Andrew

Whaaaaaaa? I’m completely stunned. Andrew Breitbart has died.

From Fox:

Breitbart was walking near his house in the Brentwood neighborhood shortly after midnight Thursday when he collapsed, his father-in-law Orson Bean said.

Someone saw him fall and called paramedics, who tried to revive him. They rushed him to the emergency room at UCLA Medical Center, Bean said. Breitbart had suffered heart problems a year earlier, but Bean said he could not pinpoint what happened.

“I don’t know what to say. It’s devastating,” Bean told The Associated Press.

Breitbart had promised to reveal something about Obama’s college transcripts prior to the election. And now, at age 43, of natural causes, Andrew collapses and dies? This is enough to put me in full conspiracy mode.


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