Saturday Night SRV

One of the greats covering another of the greats.
I saw them both.

So, We Took the Grandsons to Red Lobster

SwampMan decided, since he was going into surgery Monday and would not be visiting restaurants for awhile, that he wanted to go to Red Lobster. Besides, he had been laboring mightily over my van (still not in actual operating condition) in 102-degree record heat, and he needed a reward. It was 3:00. We absolutely positively had to get the kids no later than 5:00 so Daddy could meet his unit to go off for two weeks with the National Guard. Mommy was at work on the other side of town, so Daddy absolutely relied on us. We were on the road, but still were 30 minutes away from Red Lobster. We were 45 minutes away from grandchildren.

SwampMan had asked me, before we left, where I wanted to eat. “Anywhere you want!” Okay, so I figured somewhere quick where we could drive through and get our food (grin) on the way to get the kids. “NO! I want to eat somewhere YOU want where we actually get to SIT DOWN and have people wait on us!”

“Okay, fine. How about Sonny’s BBQ?” They’re fast, good, and relatively inexpensive.

“I thought you liked Longhorn. You wanna go to Longhorn Steakhouse?”

“Uh, sure. I’ll go, if you think we have time.”

“Well, I don’t want to go there. I want the garlic crab and shrimp pasta at Red Lobster.”

It is a good thing that mentally banging a head on the wall doesn’t leave marks!

I pointed out to SwampMan that unless we could get in, order, eat our food, and get out of Red Lobster in 30 minutes (HA!), we were going to be really pushing the time on picking up the grandkids. “But I WANT Red Lobster!” “Well, we’ll just take the kids with us!” says I, ever the optimist. SwampMan was somewhat more sceptical but his Red Lobster craving was not to be denied. He agreed, reluctantly, to pick up the kids first, expressing his hope out loud to God that he wasn’t screwing up.

MeeMaw told the grandkids that we were going to go to a restaurant where they got to go inside and sit down and people ask them what they want to eat. Papa asked them if they remembered going to a restaurant where somebody asked them what they want. “SURE!” said Jacob. “McDonald’s!” Heh. Papa explained that this was a seafood restaurant. “Do you know what that is?” “Do they have shrimp?” asked Jacob. “YES!” “Good, cuz I looooove shrimp!” Dylan said that he did not like shrimp. Papa said that they also have fish. Dylan said that he didn’t like fish, either, with a challenging stare at Papa which, since Papa was driving, he fortunately did not see. Dylan had not had his nap so he was a leeeetle bit grumpy. He soon fell asleep.

When we arrived, I woke him and gave him an abbreviated set of MeeMaw’s Rules, which consisted of sitting quietly with feet under table, bottom in chair, and no loud talking.

When we got inside and were looking over the menu, I found that I had left a few things off of MeeMaw’s Rules. Things like no enumerating every place where he had ever pooped in the potty at in his loud, carrying voice. Things like no burping loudly at the table. The Rules were quickly amended on the spot. “I have to PEEPEE in the potty!”

The very nice and pretty young lady that waited our table brought crayons. Dylan decided to draw poop since MeeMaw wouldn’t let him discuss it. I made Jacob’s shrimp order (with fries!) for him. He asked if he could have chocolate milk. The young lady assured him she would mix some up personally for him. Dylan said he wanted chocolate milk, too, and wice. “Do you want chicken with your rice?” I asked. “No. Just wice.” “How about fish?” “NO! Just wice!” The sweet and pretty waitress asked him if he wanted macaroni with his rice. “Yes! And I HAVE TO POOPOO IN THE POTTY!” Jacob accompanied us. SwampMan and I got our salads. I ate a few bites of salad. Jacob colored quietly. Dylan announced “I don’t wike sawad!” Our appetizer came. Jacob colored quietly. Dylan smelled it. “I don’t wike it! Where’s my wice?” “They’re cooking your wi–uh, rice.” “It takes a long time to cook wice?” “Yes, yes it does.” Dylan told me that he liked wice. And noodles. And cheeseburgers. And boogers. Another rule: No eating boogers. I hurriedly snarfed down a couple pieces of my appetizer. “I have to PEEPEE IN THE POTTY!” We went potty again. When we came back, SwampMan had eaten my appetizer. I told him next time, he goes on the potty run. He declined. He said if I had wanted my appetizer, I should have put it all on my plate. I pointed out that I didn’t have a chance! He said that was no excuse. The cheese biscuits were delivered. Jacob didn’t want one. I gave one to Dylan. He smelled it. He licked it. I firmly told him we do not lick biscuits, we eat them, and tore off a piece. He liked it! He then told me he needed a knife to cut it. I told him there was no way that MeeMaw was going to allow him to have a knife. Ever. “I can cut it with my hands?” “Yes!” “Okay.”

Our food came. Jacob pronounced his fries and popcorn delicious. Dylan looked at his food. “I don’t wike macawoni!” he declared. What a surprise! He looked suspiciously at his wild rice pilaf. “Somebody put SAWAD in my WICE!” There were teensy chopped carrot pieces in there. And a little greenery sprinkled over the top. *sigh* “Just pick out the salad and eat your rice!” He did. He ate half the rice and half a cheese biscuit. “Meemaw, I finished!” Meemaw was shoveling in food at a frantic pace while Papa had a leisurely lunch/dinner. “Well, you will need to sit quietly while Meemaw finishes!” I have to PEEPEE IN THE POTTY, MEEMAW! “We will go peepee when Meemaw eats her food.” Papa was over on the other side of the table murmuring “never again!” to himself. I told the boys how well behaved they were and how proud I was of them. THEY didn’t eat my appetizer while I was taking the boys to the bathroom. The very nice lady bagged up our leftovers while I was escorting boys to the bathroom again.

It only took us an hour and a half in Red Lobster. It just felt like an eternity!

Moe Lasses

WP sure has been a slow-loading sonnagun this week.

Know what I mean?

Another Assault On Property Rights

Rain drops keep falling on your head?
That’s okay, just don’t have any rain barrels or cisterns collecting it, in certain states.

A story and video from Natural News.

As bizarre as it sounds, laws restricting property owners from “diverting” water that falls on their own homes and land have been on the books for quite some time in many Western states.

With so many “green” initiatives being promoted, it would seem to me that a water conservation method, such as rain collection, should be encouraged.

Prior to the passage of these laws, Douglas County, Colorado, conducted a study on how rainwater collection affects aquifer and groundwater supplies. The study revealed that letting people collect rainwater on their properties actually reduces demand from water facilities and improves conservation.
Additionally, the study revealed that only about three percent of Douglas County’s precipitation ended up in the streams and rivers that are supposedly being robbed from by rainwater collectors. The other 97 percent either evaporated or seeped into the ground to be used by plants.

We’ve already seen what “eminent domain” means to property owners, or even the more insidious “appropriation through condemnation.” Now, some of our citizens can’t even keep the rain that falls on their property.

I sincerely hope this draconian law doesn’t spread.

France declares WAR on alQaeda

from Breitbart:

PARIS (AP) – France has declared war on al-Qaida, and matched its fighting words with a first attack on a base camp of the terror network’s North African branch, after the terror network killed a French aid worker it took hostage in April.

The declaration and attack marked a shift in strategy for France, usually discrete about its behind-the-scenes battle against terrorism.

“We are at war with al-Qaida,” Prime Minister Francois Fillon said Tuesday, a day after President Nicolas Sarkozy announced the death of 78-year-old hostage Michel Germaneau.

President Sarkozy has his moments. Vive!

Shutting down the web

I saw most of the pilot episode of a new series last night on AMC.  The promo had this tagline:  “Not every conspiracy is a theory.”
That’s pretty good.  Right up there with, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not all out to get you.”

Last night, Swampie asked if there were any back up plans in the event we were censored by the Gub’mint.  I hadn’t really thought much about it, even though I had read about the Feds shutting down some 73,000 WP blogs. Then, I find out later that were shut down by the FBI, who said they were being “used by al-Qaeda operatives to distribute recruiting materials and to offer bomb-making tips.” Dang.

Sounds like a good reason to shut down the bad guys to me. But, all 73,000? The words ‘heavy handed’ come to mind. Hopefully the bloggers not involved will get their digs back soon. But, I guess that’s why I wasn’t too concerned about this kind of scenario. Being hosted on gives a sense of security and safety from malicious attacks, and, it would be hard to imagine the Feds shutting down all the hundreds of thousands of blogs just because of some bad actors.

And then I read this story, and I changed my mind.

This is it, folks. This is the end of the internet as we know it (TEOTIAWKI).


Hard to believe there isn’t a conspiracy here someplace.

Hate to leave you on a sad note, so here’s a riddle that might put a smile on your face …

Where do you find a good lawyer? … In the nearest cemetery.

LTC. Allan West: Honor And Integrity Apply To Him, Not His Opponent

If for some reason you aren’t familiar with LTC. Allan West(ret.), it is time you were.

This gentleman was first put in our nation’s spotlight in 2003, after being relieved of his command with 2nd Battalion 20th Field Artillery. LTC. West had physically assaulted an Iraqi policeman, firing his side arm into a barrel near the detainee and threatened to kill him. The detainee then revealed information about a planned ambush on his convoy. From that time in late August until October 2003 when LTC. West was relieved of his command, there were no further ambushes on U.S. forces in Taji.

When later asked at a hearing by a defense attorney if he would repeat that action, given the circumstances,
LTC. West replied:

“If it’s about the lives of my men and their safety, I’d go through hell with a gasoline can.”

That is the quality of character this man possesses. It is further reflected by ninety five members of Congress signing a letter in support of LTC. West to the Secretary of the Army.

Two videos from a recent town hall meeting, where he is in a very tight race for Florida’s District 22 House race.
Notice the comfort and sincerity in dealing with a questioner and how the audience responds to him.

Currently, the House seat he is running for is considered a toss up. The most recent poll taken several months ago had West leading by two points.

Now, his opponent wants to roll in the mud.

A charity gala scheduled for September, the South Florida Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, had extended an invitation for LTC. West and his wife, Angela, to be honored as South Florida Finest Couple.
That invitation hasn’t been rescinded, instead an executive with the CFF has asked LTC. West to “withdraw” from the event.
A more cowardly act couldn’t be imagined.
The entire story is found at WND.

Knowing what honor and integrity mean; knowing that doing the right thing often has consequences, I can only imagine the anger and frustration LTC. West must have felt when he received that disgraceful phone call.

If LTC. West needed any further evidence, as to how low down and dirty his jackass opponent would play, he certainly knows now.

I’m confident LTC. West is man enough for the challenge and I sincerely hope the voters in Florida can clearly see the high quality candidate he is, versus the low quality of character his Øbummer supporting opponent has.

It’s only one hundred and one days until the mid-term election. Still plenty of time for the left to continue to show us how unfit for high office they truly are, and for us to vote them out for great candidates like LTC. West.

*Cross posted at Urban Grounds*

Duval County, Florida, Deports Illegals From Around the World

Illegal Immigrants Deported from Duval County between 10/28/08 and 7/14/10.

Click to enlarge.

I’d like to point out that Duval County, Florida, has been quietly deporting people that have criminal offenses for two years. So, is enforcement of immigration laws racist? Well, look at the picture. While Mexico had the single largest number of illegals sent back to Mexico, they are from all OVER the globe. Yep, Sheriff John has deported people to Asia, Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and Canada!

This worldwide deportation has occurred from just ONE COUNTY in Florida and this is just the people that were caught for minor (and major) criminal offenses. Think about the magnitude of the problem that is currently being ignored by the Federal Government!

Selling Indulgences, 21st Century Style

Mike Yon points to this post from Matt Holtzmann, who reports a number of kiosks at SFO where one can purchase feel-good carbon offsets for one’s flight.
“There’s a Sucker Born Every Minute”


In the case of the environment, we now have a class of con men similar to the priestly class in the 1400′s responsible for selling indulgences, forgiveness, and exemptions from penitence. Instead of the religious hucksterism of the “pardoners” as Chaucer wrote, we now have ATM style environmental conscience cleansing.

ATM-style environmental conscience cleansing!

PT Barnum would be prould.

The Official Birthplace Of ‘Boogie Woogie’ Is My Home Town

I came across this information a little over a week ago. Following links and reading about the history of this unique musical style has consumed hours of my time. Not only am I fascinated with the extensive research into the history of Boogie Woogie, but it has been an education about the history of the town and region of Texas where I grew up.

Born in the pine tree logging camps near my hometown before the War Between The States, a small narrow gauge rail line existed between Caddo Lake and Marshall(about fifteen miles), which did not connect to any other major rail lines. At about the time of the War, that track was removed and helped to connect Marshall(a major city in the state and Confederacy) to Shreveport, La., only thirty five miles to the East. After the War, Marshall became a major railroad hub and Boogie Woogie was then free to travel the globe…which it has done.

The extensive research for this official designation came from one Dr. John Tennison of the Boogie Woogie Foundation. I didn’t fully understand what a tremendous impact Boogie Woogie has had on the music world, until I read through the vast amount of information on that site, including the wealth of links.
You owe it to yourself to read as much as you can, for it truly is a work of love.
Continue reading

Sunday Morning Gospel

Okay, Johnny Cash ain’t exactly gospel, but I like it, and it’s MY POST. So there.

Be sure to post your favorites unless you’re a Godless heathen.

Friday Night Classical Music Thread

Sheila Jackson Lee: Genius

We all thought Congressman Hank Johnson (D-GA) had it all wrapped up for his assertion that “Guam may tip over and capsize.” The Jeanyus of the Year award was all his, hands down.

But, I suppose he just did it too early in the year. It’s like leaving too much time on the clock, and having the other team take the team down the field for the winning score in the final moments.

(ed note: couldn’t resist the football analogy. You see, it’s only 50 days till college football season! yessum.)

Sorry Hank. We’ve got a new Contendah! Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX).

Who knows if Sheila will win the title? It’s only July.

Obama plugs the hole! — It’s a 3-fer! (update)

Faster than a locomotive, more powerful than a tall building, and able to leap speeding b-b’s in a single bound

… Look! Up at the Teleprompter! It’s whazzisname.

BP has announced the oil has stopped flowing into the Gulf.

Look for Preznit Obama to come on TV and claim credit for it in 10 … 9 … 8 …

Update: I missed the timing by 4 minutes. My bad.

But Preznit Obama got a 3-fer.

1) He got a chance to blame Wall Street for the economic mess, and make the outlandish claim that only criminals should be wary of the just-passed economic “reform” bill.

2) He got a chance to blame Republicans for everything else wrong in the economy.

3) He got a chance to claim credit for plugging the oil leak but deftly postponed it until tomorrow, for another chance to control the news cycle.

All in all, not a bad day for ol’ whazzisname

I Write Like Who? Say What?

Omnivoracious has a link to “I Write Like“, which is a text analyzer site where you cut and paste in your own text, and the site tells you which famous author your writing resembles.

Hunh. I decided to take it out for a whirl. The first bit of text that I cut and pasted told me that I wrote like Kurt Vonnegut. The second bit of text that I cut and pasted told me that I wrote like Dan Brown. The third and fourth bits of text that I cut and pasted told me that I wrote like other male authors.

I write like
Dan Brown

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

I suppose that I don’t use enough flowery adjectives to rate as a female. Should I get a DNA test? I thought giving birth was pretty powerful proof of being a genetic female, but could I be wrong?

So take the text test and find your writing style (and gender). If any of y’all get Elizabeth Peters or Janet Evanovich, I’m going to be pissed.

George Steinbrenner Dies of Massive Heart Attack: AP

Yankees owner George Steinbrenner died this morning after suffering a massive heart attack, the Associated Press reports.

Steinbrenner celebrated his 80th birthday on July 4.

Developing …

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Happy 4th birthday


Nuke’s is 4 years old today!

Thanks y’all.

In lieu of gifts, please post your favorite music video.

Be Even More Careful Now With Critter Bites

I came across this story this morning.
Why Snakebites Are About to Get a Lot More Deadly.

The cure for bites from North American coral snakes is about to disappear. Find out why an unprofitable antivenom may end up costing lives.

What the article’s title doesn’t include is the anti-venom for Black Widows and scorpions is in very short supply, just as we are in the summer vacation season.

Antivenom shortages are a surprisingly common occurrence. The entire state of Arizona ran out of antivenom for scorpion stings after Marilyn Bloom, an envenomation specialist at Arizona State University, retired in 1999. Bloom had been single-handedly making all the scorpion antivenom for state hospitals. Recently, Merck & Co, the only FDA-licensed producer of black widow antivenom, has cut back distribution because of a production shortage of the drug. In a 2007 report, the World Health Organization listed worldwide envenomations as a “neglected public health issue.”

Granted, Coral snake bites are rare and most bites on humans that are of concern is when one of those nasty rascals climbs into the bed, bunk or sleeping bag and have time to really gnaw on the victim and roll over to insure the venom is introduced.

Just be careful out there and watch those young ones.

Here’s One That Gives Musical Expression to My Feelings for Obama and His Appointed Criminals

I was looking for the kids’ favorite songs from their high school years and remember this one being played at full blast!

A Memory From Sock Hop Days

This came out when I was in junior high and was a sock hop favorite. I wish *I* was a sock hop favorite in junior high but, at 5’8″, I was about a foot taller than all the young men my age.

By high school, I was a big AC/DC fan.

Born a Rebel

Always have been. Always will be.

Still Alive

No2liberals informs me that the above song, being all acoustic and all, is just waaaay too slow and gentle for a MAN to listen to. Hunh. Real men require POWER.

Well, here’s something a little faster. This is also daughter’s ringtone.

Ruck Fussia!

Other than a friend of mine buying an old Moisin-Nagant as a cheap plinking gun, or another friend that collects old Makarov semi-auto pistols, I can think of no other positive contribution to come from the Fussian Federation/USSR.

The hordes of hackers that Fussia produces certainly aren’t a positive, nor is the current government, which presents the facade of a nation based on democratic principles, but is in fact still as murderous, oppressive and tyrannical as it has been since 1917.

Even with the loss of many former USSR states, which the Fussian Federation wants to reclaim, Fussia has the largest land mass of any nation. It also has a disturbingly low birth replacement rate, low life expectancy for males, a crumbling infrastructure(especially the health care system), rising HIV/AIDS infection rates, hostile relations with its neighbors and a minimally effective economy which is almost entirely reliant on the price of oil.

Fussia, since the fall of the old USSR, and particularly since the rise of proud KGB/FSB agent Vladimir(pronounced Vlad-eemer) Putin, the hostility toward the west has resumed unabated. Weaker than it was most of the twentieth century, Fussia began arming our enemies(such as Iran/Syria/Venezuela) and supplying some of them with nuclear technology, all the while giving lip service to their friendship with the West and Israel.

In the most recent example of Fussia’s hostility to the West, we learn of the recent arrest of eleven ten spies from Fussia. These aren’t the type of spies one typically thinks of as they weren’t assigned diplomatic duties, these spies were “illegals” without diplomatic immunity and some of whom were even recognized by Fussian Foreign Ministry officials as Fussian citizens.
Continue reading

Thought for the day

Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day.

Teach a person to use the internet
and they won’t bother you for weeks.


DIY Thursday!

1) How to build a custom Pergola

2) How to construct a Firepit

The Sierra Club can take a hike. (They do that, don’t they?)

Bill Crawford is a former Mississippi legislator and community college administrator from Meridian, MS. His July 4th guest column in The Clarion Ledger is spot-on:

Researchers say America has twice as much energy (btu’s) in recoverable coal as the Saudis have in oil.

The key word is “recoverable.” Some coal cannot be recovered. Some is too expensive to recover. Some is too expensive to use if recovered. By one measure the U.S. has enough recoverable coal to fuel energy generation for 130 years. Others say 240 years.

Sounds like a lot of energy independence to me. Well, it would be if we are allowed to burn it.

But burning coal generates particulate, mercury, and sulfur and carbon dioxide. The Sierra club describes this with more fervor: “Coal combustion produces smog, soot, acid rain, the neurotoxin mercury, and is the largest single source of carbon dioxide emissions, a leading cause of global warming.”

EPA loopholes?

Environmental rules governing discharges get stricter every year. Now, the Sierra Club argues that a loophole in the federal Clean Air Act has allowed existing power plants to avoid installing modern pollution controls. They want government to force power companies to install modern technologies for aging coal-fired plants.

So, you might assume, the Sierra Club favors coal-fired plants that meet or exceed Clean Air Act standards?

How about one that would remove 99 percent of the sulfur dioxide, 90 percent of the mercury, and 99 percent of the particulates, would capture 65 percent of the carbon dioxide, and discharge no water?

Nope. The Sierra Club does not favor the Kemper County lignite plant that Mississippi Power Company plans to build, a plant that will meet these standards.

Think it through. Mississippi Power burns lots of coal. It’s OK for the company to revamp its old plants so they pollute less, though not as much less as the Kemper plant. But it’s not OK to build the Kemper plant because of pollution concerns.

Energy stability

Fascinating. The technology Mississippi Power will use in the Kemper plant will make more coal “recoverable.” Lignite is a form of “low-rank” coal that constitutes about half our known coal reserves. Being able to cost-effectively use low-rank coal increases our years of energy independence.

Even more fascinating. But, neither has anything to do with why I favor the lignite plant. I admit my lens is tinted by economic development. I like the Kemper plant because it will mean stability in power generation and power costs for my neck of the woods. If we had nuclear or hydroelectric power, I would feel the same. We don’t.

Of course, it also means Mississippi Power will be buying local coal, not out-of-state coal, hiring lots of local workers who need jobs, and providing a huge economic impact from its investments.

The Sierra Club can take a hike. (They do that, don’t they?)


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