Obama plugs the hole! — It’s a 3-fer! (update)

Faster than a locomotive, more powerful than a tall building, and able to leap speeding b-b’s in a single bound

… Look! Up at the Teleprompter! It’s whazzisname.

BP has announced the oil has stopped flowing into the Gulf.

Look for Preznit Obama to come on TV and claim credit for it in 10 … 9 … 8 …

Update: I missed the timing by 4 minutes. My bad.

But Preznit Obama got a 3-fer.

1) He got a chance to blame Wall Street for the economic mess, and make the outlandish claim that only criminals should be wary of the just-passed economic “reform” bill.

2) He got a chance to blame Republicans for everything else wrong in the economy.

3) He got a chance to claim credit for plugging the oil leak but deftly postponed it until tomorrow, for another chance to control the news cycle.

All in all, not a bad day for ol’ whazzisname


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