Thursday Reading List

hillary_book_finesthour.jpgDick Morris provides us with a Hillary Clinton score card of lies … ones she has admitted to and ones she won’t confess to.

Chelsea Clinton says that this college student was the first person to ever ask her about Hillary’s handling of the Monica Lewinsky scandal … yeah right.

Of course a socialist, anti-American dictator would not want John McCain to be the next US president.

This list of recent Bush pardons should show you how completely asinine some of our laws are in this country.

Here’s a global warming movement I can get into … just deal with it.

When your city gets sued by the ACLU and costs taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars, the logical solution is to declare an official “American Civil Liberties Union Day.”

In Central Florida and cities around the country, Real estate agents are starting to set up Foreclosure Bus Tours.

When the government feels it is necessary to track “adult material” in the state … something tells me that paying a $250 fee and registering with the secretary of state is going to be met with some resistance.

The IRS finally realizes there is such a thing as YouTube and dedicates it first video to sending you money.

Government at its finest … a soldier who served more than four years in the British Army has been told that he can’t become a citizen because he applied on the wrong date.

Can somebody please tell me what is wrong with this story? The building is being demolished. It catches on fire. Shouldn’t someone thank Mother Nature?

What happened when Chicago imposed a tax on bottled water? Well one thing is for sure, the politicians are upset that their constituents have outsmarted them.

A local barber shop in Michigan has been told that it can no longer serve a free beer with a cut … because the government said so.

This is absolutely the most useless information you will ever need to know about the current presidential candidates.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster displays its noodley appendages at Crossville courthouse.

(source: Boortz)


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