Three Things

A moment of epiphany, almost worthy of King Solomon’s “all is vanity,” from Ashton Kutcher.

When someone who has been associated with various left of center issues, who was and still may be an avid Obama supporter, says something like this, conservatives should take notice. We will also be taking a look at Mr. Kutcher’s actions as well, because Words Mean Things.

And, if I may add my own words to this I say, “BRAVO, sir. Well done.”


           h/t “The Blaze

Where American Stands Today

from Glenn Beck’s Website …..

glenn beckDear family and friends,

I don’t like being the bearer of bad news.  It’s difficult for me emotionally and mentally to continually bring the message that ‘bad times are coming’ and I know you’re growing tired of continually hearing the message of ‘prepare, prepare, prepare.’  There are times when I wish I could see the ‘green shoots’ that Ben Bernanke says are sprouting up or agree that the Obama Administration has “rescued the economy from the worst recession ever.
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R.I.P. Common Sense


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