Bloggers 1, NYT 0

Yesterday’s NYT story about Saddam’s nuclear program has quickly changed from a political embarrassment for the Bush Administration to an apparent vote of confidence in his decision to change the regime in Iraq.

This response from Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-MI) underscores his concern that the UN agency in charge of monitoring Saddam’s supposedly dormant nuclear program had been penetrated by Iraqi intelligence, as reported by Michelle Malkin:

“… my staff’s preliminary review of the documents in question suggests that at least some of them may be internal IAEA documents. There is a serious question of why and how the Iraqi these documents in the first place. We need to explore that carefully – I certainly hope there will be no evidence that the IAEA had been penetrated by Saddam’s regime.

Rep Hoekstra’s concern may have been discovered to be a legitimate one today. An partial translation of captured Iraqi intelligence document ISGP-2003-00020767   shows the intent of the Iraqi regime to penetrate IAEA headquarters in Vienna. Saddam was also intent on spying on OPEC, also headquartered in Vienna, as well as on the Austrian government itself. The independent translator, blogger jveritas, has translated a number of the captured documents downloaded from the FMSO website. Following is the translation of page 1 and page 6 of the above referenced document:

Foreign Ministry

The Office of the Minister

The Department of Research and Information Analysis

Number: M4/D4/3/278

Date: 3/2/1997


To: The Embassy of Iraq/ Vienna

The Department of Research and Information Analysis/2

Subject: The Work Plan for 1997.

Included is the preliminary work plan to review it and work according to it and you will be provided with any changes in the future.

Please review…. With regards


The Department of Research and Information Analysis/2


B. Important Targets

2. Attempt to get the researches and studies that are done by OPEC and the Atomic Energy Agency.

End of partial translation

There are some 120 million captured Iraqi documents. To date, only 1% has been translated. One percent.

Thank you jveritas. Your work is important, and your contribution is invaluable.

hat tip Free Republic

29 Responses

  1. Firsties!
    And it’s waaaaaaaaaaaaay OT.
    Ol’Saddam is going to get as good as he gave.
    I would like to dedicate this one to the Butcher of Baghdad.

    Bye Bye Turdie
    I’m gonna miss you so;
    Bye Bye Turdie,
    Why’d you have to go?
    No more sunshine,
    It’s followed you away;
    I’ll cry Turdie,
    Till you’re home to stay.
    I’ll miss the way you smile,
    As tho’ it’s just for me;
    And each and ev’ry night,
    I’ll write you faithfully!
    Bye Bye Turdie,
    It’s awful hard to bear;
    Bye Bye Turdie
    Think I’ll always care,
    Guess I’ll always care,
    Guess I’ll always care!

    Bye Bye Turdie
    The Army’s taken you now
    I’ll try Turdie
    To forget some how
    No more sighing
    Each time you moved your lips
    No more crying
    When you twist those hips
    Your swivel and your sway
    Your super trooper
    There’s nothing left to say
    But Saddam you’re a jet
    Bye Bye Turdie

    /bye bye…you POS!

  2. I was dozing in front of the television waiting for the verdict and somehow dreamed that I was in the court in Iraq waiting for the verdict (must have been the Arabic) and while I was paying attention to the verdict, a small brown-headed girl child of mine ran up the steps and out, and I was searching and could not find her. The distress woke me up as the court was next to a river. Strange.

  3. I wonder how long it takes to become a fluent reader of Arabic? I would think that the marketplace would have stepped in to rectify this lack of Arabic translators by now through language programs but government is not well known as being a well-paid profession.


    Bonz posted this across the street at GCP about Carter’s picking the wrong mother to emote about the evilness of the Bush administration due to her son’s death in Iraq.

  5. Here’s a story called the truth about hydrogen from Popular Mechanics. Of particular interest is the cost to switch to alternative modes of production and the cost per GGE (gallon of gas equivalent).

  6. You will be happy to know that University of Florida is currently investigating how much anesthesia it will take in the event that you need an operation under weightless conditions. I do not anticipate that happening. The thought of important body organs floating away in the event of an incision would make me very unhappy.

  7. If you’re off throwing candy or something in sympathy with ol’ Saddam being sentenced, here’s a “How Peanut Clusters are Made” to remember those toiling away at candy factories whose labor makes this candy throwing possible.

  8. Swampie, did you see my post on Kerry’s non-apology day 5, about the ABC/WaPo generic poll?

  9. OOH!
    New show on Outdoor Channel, that I was unaware of.
    Personal Defense TV.

  10. Yep! I have to say that I don’t have any faith at all in polls lately. The meticulous care that must be taken in the questions and sampling to prevent bias is something that is not adequately addressed to my way of thinking. (And as somebody whose degree was in marketing research, I do know public opinion polls.)

  11. I had never heard of personal defense tv! Husband has banned all political programming of any kind from television (so I was up at 5ish watching for the verdicts on Saddam). This sounds great! I’m gonna definitely check it out.

  12. D’OH! Just checked, we don’t get that channel. SwampMan rearranged the package again.

  13. What surprised me about the poll, and the result, is that the liberal shills at ABC/WaPo would reveal their findings, and if you read the comments, some of the questions and their findings are revealed, as well as the sample size and breakdown. They still oversample dhimms, but not by nearly as large a percentage as they did in the previous one. Interesting.
    That SwampMan..I tell ya’.

  14. morning y’all
    speaking of polls, Kathy has some interesting comments on the shift toward the GOP in generic polling:
    Rumors of a democrat tsunami are greatly exaggerated… On Wednesday there will be a new genre of writing – it’ll be called political fiction, poli-fi, and for examples you’ll be able to look at almost every political article in the mainstream media throughout the last few months. The great tsunami of lies.


  15. Hey nuke!
    I’ll check it after my hash browns, sausage, eggs over easy, and biscuits.

  16. Good grief. I don’t want to hear about that breakfast since I’ve had oatmeal here.

    Nuke, I hope you had a suitable birthday breakfast this morning.

  17. Heh. I read Kathy’s site and comments therein. My view is that if the Democrats do not win this with the endless portrayal of winning as losing and we’re all going broke (i.e., we’re losing in Iraq! WTF? The economy is a shambles! Say WHAT?) then they’re going to have to make some hard decisions and reformations in order to remain a viable party. Having a House and Senate in opposition is a tried and true way to keep Federal governmental interference at a minimum while going about one’s life, so normally I wouldn’t be worried about it and would be gleeful at the thought of nothing getting passed. However, Democrats are horrible about national defense and unfettered immigration and those are issues that I’m concerned with at the moment.

  18. Having a split Congress doesn’t really appeal to me, in light of all that has happened since the GOP took control in ’96. There are many ways one can look at it, but I liked this posters comment on redstate:

    What would you think of a football coach that calls the team together in the second quarter and says, “Here’s the plan. We fumble the ball a few times and let them score on us. That makes them arrogant and they won’t play as well. And since we will be behind, we’ll be more psyched up to win it in the second half”? Sound like a good idea?

    Seriously, you don’t win by losing and then pretending that it was a victory. Yeah, there may be a faint silver lining that can be seen, but it is still in a huge grey cloud.

    Good analogy.

  19. My view is that if the GOP loses, it is because they overestimated the intelligence of the average voter and counted on their ability to detect the bullshit without having somebody point it out to them. My civic duty is done. Now I’ll just wait around to see which hypothesis is true; that the Dems were wildly underestimating the intelligence of the voter, or the GOP was wildly overestimating.

  20. I’ll just wait and see, but I will never relent in pointing out the dangers of liberals in power.

  21. The gutting of the military under liberal administrations is proof enough for me! (See Canada, for example.)

  22. A Canadian friend of mine used to look up as a flock of geese flew overhead and say “Look – It’s the Canadian Air Force.”

    Since I’m not Canadian I should not comment.

    If you want to see what liberals in charge of the military is like just take a gander at Weasely Wesley Clark. LOL.

    Now there’s a walking – talking – whiny – smarmy – argument for never ever giving demcrats any part of leadership over the military. Quel LOSER! (“What a loser” in b@stardized french since he’s a b@stard and french)

    That commercial he made and later had to edit about how Iraq causes terrorism had a phony in it almost as big as him. Michele Malkin had that story.

    Swampwoman – we aren’t going to lose. We’ll have some specific losses – but we will retain both sides of Congress.

    The press will split two ways in the final days – it will declare broad dem victories or it will somehow try to reconcile how republicans closed the gap without gaining momentum. LOL. I expect they will continue to chase their tails until they become so dizzy that they anoint Kerry King. Or maybe that was last election cycle. Remember – we were losing then too.

  23. Kathy, last election cycle I KNEW GW was going to win regardless of what the polls said. I know that the newspaper polls in the state of Florida put the Dems out in front; however, I was traveling around the state quite a bit and I just noted the amount of signs/auto stickers and knew who was going to win. This time, though, I’ve really hardly been out of the county. That’s going to change shortly, but I don’t have a lot of insight into what my fellow citizens are saying and thinking this time around outside of my circle of friends and family.

  24. Well don’t let yard signs fool you. I have friends who want put them up because of vandalism

  25. want = wont PIMF! oops

  26. There was a Sheriff in Cleveland county who had his deputies out stealing his opponent’s yard signs and someone caught it on tape.

    Isn’t that pathetic! Democrats.

  27. No worries here about yard signs; trespassers and vandals are shot.

  28. The sign that has sprung up here in the Dallas area, is a plea of desparation, from a party that desires power over all else.
    The sign is either a huge yard sign, or on a few billboards, it reads:
    Had Enough?
    Vote Democrat
    I mean…how pathetic. No positive message of how they can improve anything, but their thirst for power.

  29. Had enough….what? Had enough money? Time? Kinky sex? Illegal aliens running through the yard? The Dems need to define the problem before they offer solutions.

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