L.O.M.A. (loyal opposition my a**)

The blog is taking a new direction, hence the new header, and the new name.


Loyal Opposition My Ass.

Climb aboard, and join us as we express the highest form of patriotism — Dissent.

This fight isn’t over. It ain’t even started!

stated more politely at Malkin
Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, DragonLady’s World, Cao’s Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, nn&v, Conservative Cat, , Political Byline, Faultline USA, third world county, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, , Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, , CORSARI D’ITALIA, A Newt One, Stageleft, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

39 Responses

  1. I’m with ya!

  2. Sign me up!!

  3. I’m on board.
    Where’s my decoder ring, lapel pin, and instructions for the secret handshake.

  4. pssst nuke. you missed your last period………could be trouble heheheheeee

  5. you mean, like I’m knocked up?

  6. You mean Aunt Flo didn’t come for her monthly visit?

    Hey nuke, I may have found your LOMA header, instead of the deranged Ron Paul eyes at the top.
    Here it be.

  7. thanks, I’ll save that one for later. Right now, I am deranged

  8. Naaa, that’s not sinister enough n2l.

  9. You need Jack Nichloson’s eyes in The Shining. Heeeerrrrees Johnny.

  10. help find me a picture

  11. You want deranged, inquisitive, thoughtful, smiling….what?

  12. Deranged doesn’t work for me.
    It repels people, like Ron Paul does.

  13. BTW, new episode of SP at 9CDT. The citizens of SP celebrate the election of a new President, until he moves his administration into the WH ahead of schedule.

  14. Here You Go nuke. Grab it if you like it.

  15. Nothing there, Robert D.

  16. see if it works now. i took the private off it..if that don’t work, i’ll email

  17. Tell me my sector of fire and I’ll scan it 24/7 I’m in. Barack is not my president


  18. I saw it.
    Need some guidelines from nuke. I have no idea what he is looking for.

  19. You want deranged, inquisitive, thoughtful, smiling….what?
    I dunno, I’ll know it when I see it.

  20. Can you be a little more, you know…vague? :mrgreen:

  21. how about now? jack nicholson eyes

  22. Enh.
    I like optimism better, but that’s just me.

  23. Time for SP.

  24. a well orcistated plan by the dems & meida is the cause for what we now see, case in point . the media swine fawned over Mc cain to get him pushed into office if they would have left it alone we would have had romney in as a canidate . once they got Mccain in they immidatly went after Hilliary because they wanted a very young and nieave canadate that they could puppet master with and when the battle lines were set up they threw Mccain under the bus , You can dress a turd in a tuxicdo and all you have is a well dressed turd —-comeon guys we have been fooled by one of the oldest scams —bait & awitch —it is time that true conservitatves stand up —-Iam starting with A run on my countys commisionars seat in 09 !! we are in a urban war lets take this country back one street at a time !!!

  25. Whatta tryin ta do nuke? That header says come to the opera. Or museum….no likey

  26. So I guess you’re lookin for eyes of some sort?

  27. David must have seen the new episode of SP before it aired.
    Yeah, we got bamboozled and hoodwinked, we got lazy and didn’t hold our elected officials feet to the fire.
    Now we have to do all that heavy lifting all over again, from thirty eight years ago.
    Danged ol’barges, and danged ol’bales.

  28. Got to crash.
    I won’t be getting or asking for no gubmint handouts.

  29. nite bud.
    I’m going to stick with ol’ crazy eyes for now.

  30. I caught the cat header, did you try the owl?

  31. Yeah, thanks. I saved them both for future use. I like to change the header every month or so.

  32. Yeah, about that Change.

  33. wonderful. we have much to look forward to.

  34. Here’s hoping the highest form of patriotism stays legal..

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