Attacking Sarah Palin: A familiar ring

The anonymous attacks on Gov. Sarah Palin have a familiar ring to me.

I was thinking about this after hearing Carl Cameron’s report on Fox, and after reading several other kneecap-recaps as reported in the blogosphere. I have no way of verifying my suspicions, so I haven’t commented on it. But, since the stealth attackers probably won’t be identified any time soon, I might as well go ahead and put forth my thoughts. If proven wrong, I’ll admit it — unlike those faceless cowards who started this.

I started noticing the similarities after reading and re-reading M.O.R.’s post-election rant. Following one of his links led me to the adjective “odious” which was used to describe religious conservatives. I couldn’t help but wonder about that, as I am one of those very same “odious” voters (who, incidentally supply about 40% of the Republican turnout). I wasn’t too terribly surprised by the animosity: it is really nothing new. Tolerating religious conservatives as a necessary part of the voting coalition is something that other conservatives have learned to become accustomed to, if not become altogether comfortable with, since Mr. Reagan cobbled together a winning strategy in 1980.

Neither are we altogether comfortable with them. But, there are enough interests in common to remain a viable political coalition.

A great example came in the last round of primaries, when moneyed interests within the Republican party decided to inject themselves into primary politics, not that there’s anything wrong with supporting one’s self interest. There isn’t. But, their tactics were, to use M.O.R.’s description, odious. Their preemtive and innuendo-laced attack destroyed the candidacy of the only religious conservative in the fold. It seems that this group would much prefer to continue to occupy a position of influence within a significantly smaller Republican coalition rather than have a religious conservative at the helm.

Interestingly enough, these people were completely silent in the general election; their money and advertising budgets unused. They did not get their candidate in the primaries, so they sat out the general election, only to emerge in the aftermath to attempt the same innuendo-based attacks on the next promising religious conservative. The preemptive attack on Sarah Palin is of the same tenor, tenacity, and calumny.

Sources in the McCain campaign? Bah, this smells like The Club for Growth.

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Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Blog @, Rosemary’s Thoughts, A Newt One- Hysterians masquerading as historians, Right Truth, DragonLady’s World, Big Dog’s Weblog, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Cao’s Blog, nn&v, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, , Political Byline, Faultline USA, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, McCain Blogs, The World According to Carl, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, Pirate’s Cove, , The Pink Flamingo, Celebrity Smack, CORSARI D’ITALIA, A Newt One, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

42 Responses

  1. Sarah must be every bit as good as we think she is. There would not be such a concerted effort to ruin her, even after the election, if they were not scared to death of her. I don’t give much to candidates, I figure they have access to a lot more than I do. But I will do all I can to see Sarah successful in whatever she decides to do. And I dare say there are probably quite a few that feel the same way.

  2. Sarah should hire a publicist, and a language coach, and should bone up on foreign affairs before venturing again onto the national stage. She has definite potential

  3. yeah, probably……then she can be like all the rest. not sure i would care then. 😕

  4. On to the real reason McCain lost. It WAS NOT Sarah! It was McCain himself. I agree totally with this article.
    Enough About McCain’s ‘Graciousness’ — It’s the Reason He Lost

  5. I don’t see any way Sarah can be like anyone else, much less everyone else. But if she hires a smart publicist to keep her name in the news, and comments on the news of the day, she will remain in the public’s eye. And, if she hires a coach to assist her in how to frame a political response in a way that is concise and succint, she will never have to face down charges of “unqualified.” Like it or not, the public judges a candidate on the words they use, not their experience.

    Finally, learning more about international politics can only help her. She will be able to put the “gravitas” BS away forever.

  6. I guess yer right. Just when you find someone you can understand, she has to go on to bigger things. ::sigh::

  7. Gateway Pundit has a good post on who it isn’t, and maybe with time, we can zero in on who it is.
    There had been several media reports, in the week leading up to the election, that Palin was a drag on the ticket. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the alleged “anonymous” campaign staffer was actually a “fictional” source, so the media could continue it’s destruction of the GOP.
    When all is said and done, it was the lackluster campaign run by Mc and his crew, and his anitpathy towards conservative principles, that lost the election. Mc got four million eight hundred thousand fewer votes than W did in ’04, while B-HO got two million more than Kerry did in ’04. Also, according to the latest map, it is still a red nation, and would have remained so, if conservatives had voted.
    Whoever started this smear campaign, one fact remains, since Mc didn’t come out immediately in her defense, it appears that the source is someone close to him. That and the fact that, even days later, Mc has yet to denounce the attacks on her.
    Maverick my ass!
    I hope the blue blood elitist GOP assholes are happy. They can now get invited to the best parties in Manhattan, Cape Cod, and Hollyweird.
    Also, if the GOP doesn’t alter their primary system, and only allow GOP voters to vote in them, and not just anybody, we will wind up with the candidate the donks want us to have, yet again.

  8. Whatever Super Sarah lacked in specific knowledge, she could learn. What she has is what I like. Great instincts, and solidly grounded in conservative ideals.

  9. Won’t much matter if the media is allowed to make the news.

  10. It’s on!
    I won’t even click on a link to a LSM story. I don’t want the NYSlimes or others like them, to get even the ad revenue from the click.

  11. just reading a headline over at FR … Jamie Gorelich … leading candidate for preznit obama’s AG

  12. Somehow we have to end that BS. All the outing on the internet hasn’t had one bit of effect. That should be the #1 mission for the GOP.

  13. oops, took too long to answer. my last was to n2l

  14. Yeah, nuke, saw that headline on a feed.
    The sorry witch keeps haunting us.
    Also, saw a bit where Rahm Emanuel was on the board of Freddie, when Raines was in charge. The gangs all here. Sounds like the beginning of a Putin style Cleptocracy.

  15. Jennifer makes a good point, but the problem remains. News organizations are maladaptive from the top down…the head rots first.
    As long as the LSM is dominated in the newsrooms and the editorial boards, by Godless, anti-American, anti-Military doctrinaire leftist, they will never admit there is a problem, much less address it. If the dinosaur media needs to go away, good riddance.

  16. It will go away, eventually, but that won’t make it any better in the short term for us on the right. And we need action for the 2010 elections, and especially for ’12.

  17. It’s still a red nation. We just need good candidates. The misadventures of the leftards will help motivate them.
    As I have linked to before, B-HO has a deadline with SCOTUS, before his votes are certified at the Electoral College.

  18. About that. What happens if B-HO is not a legal citizen? Biden wouldn’t be any better. Do we get a rerun with Hillary? I doubt they’ll do anything about it since it should have been done well before he was even considered for POTUS. Can you imagine the riots that will erupt?
    Remember the “immaculate reception”? The refs huddled, they talked, then they asked how much security there was in Three Rivers Stadium. When they decided it wasn’t enough, TOUCHDOWN!! That’s about how this bc thing will go down. No, I don’t have faith in our system anymore.

  19. It would certainly create a constitutional crisis.
    I don’t think Biden would be allowed. Too many people would need to be made whole again. A new election? Or if his electoral votes couldn’t be allowed, then would Mc be Prez?
    Riots? Oh my, yes, the idiots would be in the streets raising…what’s the opposite of Gaia? New gun sales would have been prescient, indeed.
    We’re talking about the constitution here, not the NFL.

  20. We’re talking about the constitution here, not the NFL.

    I haven’t seen a lot of difference lately.

  21. I haven’t seen a lot of difference lately.

    Can’t argue the point, I don’t follow the NFL, I like football too much.
    You know how I feel about Hollyweird.
    Still, you have to admit that Souter, of all people, is the one who ordered the CoB. The last thing they would want is the problem to be discovered later, when a remedy would be much more damaging. If he were allowed to serve, and then it was discovered later that he was a usurper of power, then any and all legislation he had signed would be null and void.
    It’s best for everyone to find out now, before his certification.
    If he’s legit, fine, but why has it taken so long, and the SCOTUS being involved, to find out?
    Plus, the SCOTUS doesn’t like being defied, no court does, so I wait patiently to see what develops.

  22. I know you’re right. But I still have one question. You can’t even get a passport or SS# without a certified birth certificate. How can a person run for POTUS without this simple first step to prove citizenship? After all, it IS the first requirement to run.

  23. I should say, how can they let a person get this far without proof positive?

  24. I can’t answer that question.
    That is the type of thing the press used to investigate, or at least it did for GOP candidates.
    It has been reported he was still traveling on an Indonesian passport just prior to entering Columbia. As for Columbia, they recently had a reunion for his graduating class, and the one chosen to be their speaker never knew him, and he asked his classmates, and none of them remember B-HO. The class annual didn’t have his picture in it. So, why didn’t the LSM ever demand to see his college transcripts? Remember how upset everyone got when it was discovered some one was snooping into his passport file?
    It’s entirely possible he was able to generate fraudulent documents, and faked his way through most situations.

  25. Well then, the phrase He’s Not MY President could really be true. 😉

  26. Henh…it would be true for me, regardless. :mrgreen:

  27. Agreed….

  28. So are you entering your slow season?
    And what about Swampie? She still carving pumpkins?

  29. I need to start shutting down.

  30. Yeah n2l. The slow season came to a screeching halt. Swampie, I don’t know…..pumpkin seeds maybe?

  31. Thank God the fuel prices are coming down.
    Got regular today for $1.91.99 today.

  32. $2.69.9 here. But, that’s pretty good for here. I pretty much have to wait for the spring now to get restarted, so there is waaayy to much time for the ‘puter.

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  35. […] A Newt One- Hysterians masquerading as historians, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, Loyal Opposition My A**, DragonLady’s World, Cao’s Blog, Conservative Cat, , third world county, Faultline USA, […]

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