Another day,another Obama nominee with tax issues

The swamp continues to fill with tax-challenged Obama cabinet appointees.

Hilda Solis, his selection for labor secretary, had her confirmation hearing delayed today by the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, whose chairman is Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts.

The committee only said in a statement that lawmakers need more time to review documentation submitted in support of Solis, a California congresswoman.

But USA Today reported today that that Solis’ husband paid about $6,400 on Wednesday to settle tax liens that had been outstanding for as long as 16 years against his business.  source

Sixteen years!

Anyone want to bet that absent Ms. Solis’ nomination to head up DOL that these tax liens would have remained outstanding? These people are shameless.

”This tax issue was starting to reach critical mass,” pollster John Zogby said. “One is a mistake. Two is a problem. When you start getting a third, it possibly becomes a question of judgment. How do you ask Americans to sacrifice while Cabinet members don’t sacrifice until they get caught?” source


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