Country don’t mean dumb

“Where the hell it got all these genes from we don’t know, but this is a real super-mixed-up virus….”

“The scary thing is that this virus seems enormously transmissible.”

Robert Webster, a flu virologist at St Jude Children’s Research Hospital (source)


Today’s reader’s email at BBC continues to paint an increasingly bleak picture for our southern neighbors.

The number of cases increases significantly every day. The number of fatalities is also increasing. At least three doctors are said to have died from swine flu. There is great fear among the medical community. We know that the situation is very serious and that we are at high risk of infection.

But we are more scared of carrying it into our homes and infecting our loved ones. One of my colleagues that was exposed chose to stay in a hotel rather than run the risk of infecting her daughters.

These fears are getting worse as we realise that it is not possible to get antiviral drugs from pharmacies and that in the health sector they are close to being delivered in droppers.

Despite this, the government says that it can rely on antiviral drugs to treat a million cases. We do not have easy access to these, even though we are part of the health sector.

In one hospital doctors were given the anti-viral rimantadine, even though there is resistance to this drug. Also, fewer samples are being taken from severe cases, as there is a lack of means of transporting and cultivating the samples.
Dr Guadalupe from BBC

This could easily get much, much worse.

6 Responses

  1. *sigh* Because I work in an elementary school setting, there are viruses causing respiratory infections going around constantly. I seem to pick up every damn one.

    After having a headache over the weekend and developing a sore throat during the day today, I fell asleep when I got home and awoke with a temperature of 100.4 and a slight cough. So, the question for me is do I call in out of an abundance of caution and have the school, which is strapped for cash, arrange for a substitute (if they can get one), or just go in to work? I don’t feel particularly bad. Guess I’ll wait to see if I still have a fever in the morning. After all, there are no reports of swine flu in my area.

  2. did they ever find out if the Orlando case was mexiflu?

  3. Be careful swampie.

  4. […] Comments — Your Two Cents nuke on Daily linkagecroc hunter on Country don’t mean …nuke on Country don’t mean …swampie on Country don’t mean …croc […]

  5. My concern and puzzlement is that it broke out all over the globe in different spots within a day or two. How could this have been transmitted by accident? So far they have not been able to trace it to one source such as an infected person on a flight with a person from all these other places.

    Might the WHO speculation that it is biological warfare be possible? and what about the reports from the top scientist of the United Nations saying there are “vectors” in it’s make up that indicate artificial design? BB

  6. Yup. A lot of unanswered questions.
    Hang in there Brenda.

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