Rendering judgement

During the campaign, candidate Obama urged America not to worry about his history of dubious associations with shady characters. Pay no attention to Rezko, Ayres, and Rev. Wright, his defenders said. “Judge me by the people I will surround myself with.” (video at link)

The list of tax-cheats, and ethically-challenged nominees are detailed in the Fauxbama page. I’m exhausted just trying to keep up with it.

More recently, we’ve learned of communist radical Van Jones who resigned in the middle of the night to avoid MSM scrutiny. We’ve heard the story of Kevin Jennings, who as a teacher, condoned statutory rape of a 15 year old student, and refused to inform the authorities as he was required to by law. Fifteen years later, Jennings boasted about it while speaking to a group of homosexual activists.

Now confronted by his past, Jennings claims to “regret” his mistake in a remorseless admission, all the while describing it as perhaps the latest example of an Obamanian teachable moment.

Today, I was reading Catholic News Agency’s report on Obama’s EEOC nominee, Chai R. Feldblum. In 2006, Feldblum was a signatory to a radical 2006 manifesto which endorsed polygamous households and argued traditional marriage should not be privileged “above all others.”.

Feldblum’s nomination was sent to the U.S. Senate on Sept. 15.

Enough time has passed to do as Obama has requested: to observe the people he is surrounded by, and to fairly discern the type of person Obama is. The answer is quite clear to me.

What say you, America?

4 Responses

  1. This president has fleas.

  2. and a load of blood sucking ticks to boot

  3. Damn the boy is just ate up.

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