WWTD (What would Toomey do?)

Pat Toomey of the Club for Growth made headlines yesterday by announcing a major political advertising campaign, specifically targeting Republican voters in Iowa and South Carolina. His stated purpose? To attack Mike Huckabee.

Pulling out an old video which has been on the web for several weeks now, Toomey uses an out of context theme to try and persuade Republican voters that there is no kind of tax that Huckabee doesn’t like, that in fact, Huckabee is a wild-eyed, tax and spend liberal.

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Huckabee about these accusations last month.

Here is Huck’s response:

“I was basically giving a put up or shut up speech to the legislature who had been saying we have got a $200 million deficit, and we don’t like any proposal the governor has to fix it,” he said. “What I was saying to them was, if you don’t like my proposals, give me yours, but let’s fix this deficit.

And we did.”

Contrary to Toomey’s claims, this is about responsible governance, not “tax-and-spend” bumper sticker politics.

Close to 90% of Arkansas’ general fund goes to fund public education, Medicaid, and TANF (temporary aid to needy families). Another 7% goes for Criminal Justice, which funds the State Police, Prisons, and the Crime Lab. The remainder goes for parks, tourism, and industrial development.

So, what would Toomey do?

What would the other candidates do?

If their criticism of Huckabee is to have any credibility, the most likely conclusion is that The Club for Growth would favor cutting money to Public Education and Medicaid: the two largest expenditures in the budget.

I don’t believe for a minute that any of the Republican field, would demand that the state budget be balanced on the backs of school teachers, single mothers, and health care for the poor.

But, that is EXACTLY what Pat Toomey and The Club for Growth are advocating.

Shame on them.


The Rules are about to change………


MM uses the T-word “troubling”. I’m sure she’ll lose a lot of sleep over it.

AP says “worrisome”, but its just more of his fredneck crapola

NRO tries to spin it their way.  David Sanders trots out Steve Stephens as an exemplar.  Henh, good luck with ‘dat.

45 Responses

  1. Of course, all that happened with Mike as Gov. was in a vacuum. There was no Arkansas or it’s government prior to his being elected, and there hasn’t been since he left. Arkansas, and it’s status as a state is strictly a Mike Huckabee construct, therefore he is responsible for everything that happened while he was the governor.

  2. Glad you put that /s tag in there. Thought you were serious for a moment there.

    /Must be a tag for the sarcasm impaired.

  3. Welcome!

  4. I was reading through the comments on one of the threads at GoV, in the continuing smear campaign from AtS, and discovered that the lfg owner is no longer with PJ media.
    He claims it was hugs and kisses adios, but methinks he got run off.

  5. Oh really? How interesting.

  6. My words almost exactly, or at least putnear.

  7. Blazing Saddles on AMC,,,,

  8. …work-work-work-work-work…hello boys
    /saw dat…waiting for Tebow to get his prize

  9. Time to break out the bugmenot, nuke.
    Court Intrigue for the King of Torts.

  10. Yeah, Tebow really is that good. Damnit.

  11. He’s a good’un, fo’sho’!
    He was born in the Philippines to missionary parents, and proudly professed his faith in his acceptance speech.
    A nice young man, as well as an outstanding athlete.

  12. Pelosi Briefed On Waterboarding In 2002

    Playing on the laptop, wanted to see how it would work. The “mouse” is quite sensitive.

  13. Only because of all the backlash, not because they want to.

    NBC Reverses Course, Agrees to Air Troop ‘Thank You’ Ad

  14. Here is some good news from Iran……..

    TEHRAN UNIVERSITY ERUPTS! Hundreds of Protesters Smash Through Gate – Beat Up Basij Guards!
    From Gateway Pundit

  15. okaaaaayyyyy, I’ll find some other kids to play with. 😦

  16. Hey nuke, The Captain seems to like Mike.

  17. Yeah, there has been an absence of playmates around these parts for a few days. I had no one to play with last night, but have gone all day today.
    I suspect the approaching Christmas holiday, and family commitments may have something to do with it…not for, but for others. I also noticed comments were lower than usual on a bunch of blogs since Friday.

  18. Nuke, here is that post I was mentioning on the AtS and PJM thing.
    Dennis the Peasant.

  19. Y’all weren’t here to play with this morning, and this afternoon, I was sanding and priming rocking chairs for little ones. This evening, I need to clean out cabinets. I HATE cleaning out cabinets.

  20. You’re right, we had company for a couple of nights and I couldn’t play. It’s just that time of year.

  21. Hate is such a strong word, Swampie.

  22. Y’all need to check out this article and the videos.
    It’s too dang funny, on several levels.

  23. Hate is a mild word for how I feel about delving into the back of the cabinets amidst the occasional bug carcass and discarded leg.

  24. Dang, Swampie!
    I count five four letter words in that sentence.
    /you is pithed

  25. *sigh* Well, sitting here whining about it isn’t getting it done, is it? I may need to discard the oldest canned goods, too, and I’ve taken out the canned pears that are just as nasty canned as they were fresh to dump to the wildlife (suckers), along with several pints of old pear/orange butter that I forgot I made. (PETA will probably be contacting me about cruelty to animals.) We rarely eat canned stuff (hence the neglect). Since there was no hurricane season and no power outages this year, I didn’t dig into any of the emergency food supplies but instead, bought more, and I need to find more space to put it all.

  26. Well, a Swampie has got to do what she needs to do.
    Shouldn’ t take too long, should it?

  27. Alrighty, then.

  28. Yes, it should. I have a large pantry.

  29. Oh?
    So how large is your pantry?
    /Answer:it’s so large______

  30. A year’s supply of food is not outside the realm of possibility. One (smaller) pantry is done, now time for another and then….the BIG one (scary Hitchcock-type music because I KNOW there will be spiders lurking in the darkness with poison dripping from their fangs and glowing green eyes).

    However, the dogs cleaned out the kitty food on the porch (I didn’t close the bin tightly), so I need to run to the store now and pick up some kitty food. I may not start the Big Pantry until tomorrow night.

  31. It’s so large—-that it might take more than one night to get it done.

  32. Well…guess that’s it then.
    It was raining and forty three degrees this morning, now it’s thirty seven degrees at 21:30 and foggy. Hope there isn’t any of that yucky stuff on the roads in the a.m. Now, it’s time for the recliner with an afghan over my legs, with ma’boy in my lap.

  33. Ah, that sounds lovely. Hope none of the yucky stuff is on the road for you either. At 11 p.m., it’s 60 degrees out. (Enough for me to put a hooded sweatshirt on for the trip to the store for the cat yummies).

  34. Will my house EVER be in order in time for Christmas festivities? I wanted to paint the cabinets, get some new curtains for the living room, wallpaper the hallway, and tear up the carpet in the office and acid stain the floor, but I’m running out of time.

  35. G’night now.

  36. […] written quite a bit about The Club for Growth’s ongoing jihad against Mike […]

  37. […] written quite a bit about The Club for Growth’s ongoing jihad against Mike […]

  38. […] written quite a bit about The Club for Growth’s ongoing jihad against Mike […]

  39. […] written quite a bit about The Club for Growth’s ongoing jihad against Mike […]

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