McCain: No Controlling Legal Authority

The author and chief proponent of much of the tangled web of campaign finance rules and regulations, has decided that he can continue write the rules as they apply to his campaign while on the fly.

mccain.jpgLast summer, McCain asked to participate in the public financing system when his campaign hit the skids after the immigration amnesty debacle. After his request was approved by the FEC, he was scheduled to receive some $5.8 million. The money, however, would not come without strings attached. The restraints on fundraising as well as the state-specific spending limits imposed by the law, would mean that McCain has been in, or is close to, violation of the law since Super Tuesday.

According to campaign finance lawyer Marc Elias, “At this point, (McCain) is in the matching fund system. Right now, there is no mechanism for the commission to turn off the spigot.”

Team McCain has decided to make an aggressive move, “ignore the limits and hope that when the FEC is eventually reconstituted, it will ‘exercise its prosecutorial discretion and dismiss any complaint’ over a plain violation of the law” source. “I will make no further requests for matching-fund payment certification and will not accept any matching-fund payments including the initial amount and other amounts certified by the commission in connections with my campaign’s previous submissions,” said McCain in a letter to the FEC last week.

It may indeed prove to be a successful maneuver. It is interesting that in addition to supporting Global Warmists, McCain’s behavior reveals yet another commonality with Albert Gore. When confronted with a clear violation of campaign finance laws, he seems to be claiming, “There is no controlling legal authority that says this was in violation of law.”


Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, A Newt One, Conservative Cat, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe, Potomac Potpourri, Potential VP picks, Potomac Predictions, Ace

2 Responses

  1. The FEC….what FEC?

    PoliticalMoneyLine reported May 1, 2007, that “the Federal Election Commission sinks to a new low in its thirty-two year history. With the expiration yesterday of the regular term of Commissioner Ellen Weintraub there is now no FEC Commissioner holding a regular term position at the agency. The FEC has positions for six Commissioners. One position is vacant after the resignation and departure of Michael Toner. The regular term of David Mason expired on April 30, 2003. The regular term of Ellen Weintraub expired on April 30, 2007. The Senate has never confirmed Hans von Spakovsky, Robert Lenhard, and Steven Walther. They were given recess appointments in January 2006. Each of these five acts as a Commissioner until their replacement is sworn into office.”

    McCain can do whatever he wants, so can the other candidates that are as ethically challenged as he is. There truly is “no controlling legal authority” on elections now. That McCain would be willing to do this isn’t surprising, his ego requires he win at all costs. Without breaking these laws, that he jammed down the throats of Americans, he would be penniless until after the convention, and would go dark while his opponents had a field day, which would include Mike Huckabee, who never took matching funds. This is McCain’s greatest fear, that Mike would still be strong enough for the next month or so, that McCain couldn’t respond to any ad buys.

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