God Bless Our Troops!

First, this video posted at liveleak.com, What Is Love.
(Henh, even the Iraqi soldiers have their groove on.)
Next, from BlackFive, Anbar Sitrep From An NCO.
Also from BlackFive, JD Johannes latest from ‘Outside The Wire,’ Looking For That Civil War We Are Bogged Down In.

The terrorist next door

Pertinent questions abound as I surf the news sites…

If islam is a religion of peace, then why is it necessary that we be constantly reminded of it? Shouldn’t such a obvious truth be self-evident? SMB:Ft Dixie Chicks

Hmmm, something about recognizing trees by the fruit they bear seems appropriate here.

From CBN:

Officials told USA Today these cases reveal a disturbing trend: Several of the accused plotters are American-born citizens who converted to Islam.

Investigators now believe there is a growing threat of U.S.-based Islamic terrorists who are operating with no connection to al-Qaeda or other terrorist groups.

“We don’t know how many other groups such as this you know might be forming and might form in the future,” said Kelly.

Part of the problem, according to counterterrorism experts is increasing accessibility.

Terrorists-in-training no longer need to fly overseas to training camps.

Instead, they can simply go online to find inspirational and technical support, sparking a rise in self-starting terrorist cells across the globe.


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