Islam And Egocentrism

egocentric-self-centered; preoccupied with one’s own interests and needs; lacking concern for others.
Marked by extreme concentration of attention upon oneself; self-centered.

With that definiton, I bring you an article from Arab News. ‘Islamophobia Worst Form of Terrorism’, reports on a meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

The ministers described Islamophobia as a deliberate defamation of Islam and discrimination and intolerance against Muslims.

They go on to list a number of incidents involving terrorist attacks in the U.S. and Europe, but remained fixated on how Islam is perceived, obviously unable to grasp how and why many have come to view Islam as dysfunctional.
If they are truly concerned about how Islam is perceived outside of Islamic countries, then a concerted effort to expose and dispose of those in Islam that are giving them such a bad reputation, would be a good start.
An example of how Islam is perceived, comes from Pakistan. Christians living in fear after Islamic ultimatum. Oh, and speaking of the intolerance of Islam for other religions, you can’t even be in possession of a Holy Bible in Saudi Arabia, for fear of death.
Or they could examine this List of Islamic Terror Attacks In America, since 1973.
Perhaps one day Islam can mature, and overcome their egocentrism. At least it is possible, based on Piaget’s theories of development.

See Also: List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 3 Months

2 Responses

  1. What next, cannibals complaining about people being reluctant to visit their villages at mealtime?

  2. Henh.
    Or leaving your car parked on a street in Paris?

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