AP: Reid Divulges Two More Undisclosed Land Deals

The Reid land scandal took another bizarre turn as the Minority Leader revealed that two additional “clerical errors” had caused him to file false ethics reports. Both of the “clerical errors” involved land transactions. One of which, Reid had failed to disclose ownership of for over 20 years.

Reid revealed the information as an afterthought to his announcement that he had agreed to repay his campaign for funds which were disbursed in violation of FEC regulations. Reid said the land transactions, as well as his failure to disclose, amounted to “two minor matters that were inadvertently left off my original disclosure forms.”

So far, Reid has characterized the FEC matter as a “clerical error” and both of the additional land transactions as “clerical errors” as well.

Reid has promised to “more fully disclose” details regarding the 2004 land scheme in which Reid received a payout of $1.1 million. The false ethics disclosures were not characterized as “clerical errors”, but instead were said to be a “GOP smear campaign”, even though AP reported last week that it learned of the land deal from a former Reid adviser who had concerns about how it was reported to Congress.

related links:

Reid it and Weep

Reid says he will no longer accept free boxing tickets

Reid refuses to return $61K in Abramhoff related money

Reid Land Deal Not Sexy Enough For Front Page

update at 8:24 cross-posted at Free Republic

5 Responses

  1. HENH!

    WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 /U.S. Newswire/ — Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid today issued the following statement:

    “In the last few weeks, we commenced a shameful campaign of personal attacks and homophobic smears to regain power in Washington, attempting to re-write history and paint the Republican party as the party of serial child molesters and congressional page abusers. In recent days, we did our best to toss our erstwhile gay allies under the nearest bus, but were betrayed when Gerry Studds passed on and was thrust back into the public orifice- er, eye, and he was lauded by both that philandering drunk Ted Kennedy and that prissy whore-monger Barney Frank.


  2. In other news, Reid is having sexual relationships with the housepets of congressional pages but Reid points out that “the Democrats are not the family values party” which makes it perfectly okay.

  3. They say, if a dog sniffs your butt, it’s just his way of being neighborly

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