Hillary’s got a secret

hillary-picking.jpgMSNBC is reporting that Bill Clinton has begun the first stage of his campaign on behalf of his better half with a curious email fundraising pitch:

“She’s also the best candidate to beat the Republican machine. You know Hillary will never let a swift boat-style attack go unanswered.”

The Clintons have enough in their collective skeleton closets to keep any number of would-be muckrakers busy for the next 20 years. So, what is it that has the former President’s panties in a wad? The typical Carville-Begala play would be to try and get out in front of any damaging information, and try to frame the issue as a “personal attack”, claiming the victim’s mantle at the hands of the evil vast right wing conspiracy.

It’s just a hunch, but I think the Paul v. Clinton lawsuit is starting to worry the Clinton machine. Not familiar with this case? Not surprisingly, it has been largely ignored by the major media.

A website called the Hillary Clinton Accountability Project purports to document the “largest campaign finance fraud in America’s history.” Just last week, a “smoking gun” video was introduced as evidence in the lawsuit. According to HILLCAP,

This tape was withheld by the U.S. Attorney in New York from 2001 until April 11, 2007, when it was released to Paul’s attorneys at the US Justice Foundation, depriving three federal investigations of this evidence of Hillary Clinton’s role in the campaign finance frauds for which her finance director David Rosen was indicted in 2005.

In the last Presidential election, the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth began a shoestring effort to reveal the truth about Lt. John F. Kerry’s record of service during the Vietnam War. Largely ignored by the major media, the internet based crusade ultimately had a devastating effect on the Kerry campaign, in a way that only the truth can.

If former President Clinton wishes to compare the Paul v. Clinton case to the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, then he does so at great peril. The Clintons know that they can count on their allies in the major media to continue to ignore the story, but much like the Swiftboat Veterans, the truth has a way of being heard. For the Clintons, confronting the case this close to the election is a high stakes gamble, but the Clintons have never been one to shy away from a fight. Besides, if the case is true, then they really have no other choice.

Doug Ross has more. So does Gateway Pundit.


Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Perri Nelson’s Website, Azamatteroprinciple, Big Dog’s Weblog, Right Truth, DragonLady’s World, Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Pursuing Holiness, , Rightlinx, third world county, Wake Up America, Nuke’s news and views, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Right Pundits, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Committees of Correspondence, DeMediacratic Nation, Maggie’s Notebook, , Webloggin, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Planck’s Constant, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, High Desert Wanderer, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

6 Responses

  1. She’s also the best candidate to beat the Republican machine.

    Then why are polls showing her losing to all four of the top GOP candidates?
    I think she lays off of this one until or if the fraud case becomes more public, then she will have no choice but try and get in front of it.
    Even with this latest knowledge of her dirty dealings, she beats Hussein Obama. Without this issue she still loses the general election.
    I just want her to get what she truly deserves for being such a nasty, foul-mouthed, and ill-tempered person, that has skirted the letter and spirit of every law that stood in her way.

  2. Nasty, foul-mouthed, and ill tempered? Known to bend the law into pretzels when it suited her?

    But enough about me…..

  3. I was just over at Hot Air, and unfortunately, I forgot my password and wasn’t able to reset it tonight. There are a lot of very angry people that feel impotent, but none of them are talking about recalling their elected officials, and they should be.

  4. […] Hillary’s got a secret « Nuke’s NEWS & VIEWS […]

  5. Well i think in light of this the donations of the chinese should be looked at a lot more carefully ,especially since he helped the chinese to get info of usa technology ,very suspect coming from a president who stood up in front of thewhole world and lied ,I DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH MONICA !! CIGAR ANYONE ???

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