salt water into fuel?

UPDATE: Kanzius process receives independent confirmation

We live in interesting times. Not long ago, I blogged about a Purdue University research team that had engineered a process to generate hydrogen from aluminum. That was pretty amazing.

A few minutes ago, I ran across this video over at Breitbart. If you think the hydrogen process was cool, then you’re going to love this. A retired broadcast engineer from Ohio, John Kanzius (pronounced kansas), has discovered a process to convert salt water to fuel. I kid you not.


Trackposted to Right Pundits, Outside the Beltway, Blog @, Perri Nelson’s Website, Committees of Correspondence, Azamatteroprinciple, DeMediacratic Nation, Jeanette’s Celebrity Corner, Big Dog’s Weblog, Maggie’s Notebook, DragonLady’s World, Stuck On Stupid, Webloggin, The Amboy Times, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, third world county, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, High Desert Wanderer, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

20 Responses

  1. Yeah! That’s the guy that I linked to a few months ago with the possible cancer cure that was working out pretty well in experiments and was going to human trials soon.

    I’m not too proud to drive a steam engine(grin).

  2. […] salt water into fuel? « Nuke’s NEWS & VIEWS […]

  3. That’s very interesting, but I have one concern.
    Since water vapor is the number one greenhouse gas, and according to Dr. Reid Bryson, it captures 80% of radiant heat in the first 30 feet of atmosphere, wouldn’t this fuel increase water vapor in the atmosphere? Warm water vapor at that.
    Besides, the Hot Rod possibilities don’t seem to good. The engine, to produce the proper amounts of torque and hp, would be too heavy, and we all know that weight is the enemy.
    /right Swampie…henh

  4. HEY!

    /Just back from watching young people bound like gazelles around the track, while I was going thud, thud, thud….

  5. Once again proving, that not only is gravity a good idea…it’s the Law!

  6. How encouraging. Now, I might have to live near the coast to get the cheaper fuel prices 🙂 .

  7. While there is a lot less sodium in blood than seawater, I’d, uh, still prefer not to be accidentally cooked.

    /What a hunting weapon, though. Zap a turkey with one, and eat it on the spot.

  8. This is a ridiculous idea. He is pumping way more energy into the water than he is getting out. Reminds me of cold fusion.

  9. I haven’t seen the specs yet, Steve. Have you?

  10. You don’t need specs if you understand the laws of physics and the chemical composition of water.

  11. gee, thanks for sharing

  12. someone said up there, that weight is the enemy.
    the reason it is the enemy is because of mileage. But, if your fuel is salt water, I’d be willing to use a little extra fuel per mile than the alternative.

    Besides, if you’re using a steam engine off a salt WATER fuel source, the water vapor steamed off could be run back to become fuel just by adding salt… in fact, the I’m wiling to bet that, since the water is being separated into Hydrogen and Oxygen, the salt is most likely left behind for fresh water to be added. The salt is probably only needed to help the heat levels increase anyway. I don’t know enough yet to be sure. If you used the steam, it would basically be auto filtered for ya as well which is nice.

    I wonder really, is Oxygen the only byproduct at the end of the process? That would be a neat little bonus considering the vegetation decrease on the planet over the decades.

  13. Not enough is being reported by major media, nothing being reported means only one thing. Our minds our being controlled by big business. The cat must be let out of the bag. Politics now controlled 99% by corporate America will do it’s best to debunk this new great discovery. Only the truth thats finds the light of the general publics mind can have a chance to become used to the benifit of everyone.. The powerful few have selfish reasons to stop saltwater into fuel. The controll of energy and the cure of cancer endangers their compleate control of the quality of life, as well as the purse strings of the world..

  14. Surely there is a wealthy person in this country willing to create a prototype to prove or disprove this theory. Or maybe David Sciliano is right…Maybe big oil and energy is not allowing this new discovery to ever get off the ground. I guess we will never know until the media has the wherewithall to investigate and put pressure enough to make it happen. – Joe Maikell – Fort Worth texas

  15. The video is no longer working. Is there anyway to get the video to work?

  16. thanks for the heads-up, kelly.
    I just updated the video.

  17. Thanks Nuke. This is amazing stuff right here. Just imagine being able to power your car with salt water. Gasoline stations would go out of business and we would save a lot of money on gas.

  18. works for me.
    Plus, we would be able to conserve our petroleum resources for lubricants, petro-chemicals, plastics, etc.

  19. Doesn’t matter. They killed him. Pneumonia they say? Right.

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