Judge Charles Pickering for Senate?

Update:  G-Men raid Trent Lott’s Brother-in-law’s law firm.

The FBI confirmed this morning that a search warrant had been executed at the law firm headed by high-profile attorney Richard “Dickie” Scruggs, who successfully sued Big Tobacco and has represented hundreds of policyholders suing insurance companies over Katrina damage.

FBI agents were barring all but employees from the office Tuesday during the ongoing search, which has been ongoing since 10:30 this morning.  Agents are searching for a specific document that is “ancillary” to Hurricane Katrina insurance litigation.


Leave it to Trent Lott to not just retire and be done with it. Lott’s resignation announcement yesterday has given rise to a raft of rumors and speculation ranging from Trent’s wanting to be able to game the new lobbying regulations by retiring before they take effect, to his trying to get out in front of rumors of a homosexual affair.

It has also given us political junkies something else to speculate about…his successor.

The general feeling is that Roger Wicker or Chip Pickering would be the logical frontrunners. But I read something earlier this evening that I thought was pretty interesting. I imagine Governor Barbour might just be chuckling a little bit just thinking about the possibilities. From Paul Bedard at the News Desk (USNews)

pickering.jpgIn a longshot campaign to use Sen. Trent Lott’s retirement as a slap to Democrats, Bush allies are pushing for Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour to choose retired federal Judge Charles Pickering, rejected by Democrats for higher office, as Lott’s replacement in the Senate.

“It would be the biggest in-your-face move if it happened,” said one proponent of the move. Pickering was nominated for a federal appeals court post in 2002 but was blocked, in part because of his antiabortion position as well as charges of racial insensitivity. He was renominated and given a recess appointment but eventually withdrew his name.

Proponents of picking Pickering, 70, say it would also help to revive the issue of the role of judges and presidential preferences on the eve of the 2008 presidential race. Pickering’s son, Rep. Chip Pickering, and Rep. Roger Wicker are considered the front-runners for the post, however, and GOP sources close to the situation say that Wicker has the advantage.

Well, Mr. Bedard may be right about Wicker having the advantage over Chip right now. However, if Gov. Barbour does appoint Judge Pickering to serve until November 2008, then his son Chip might be a little better positioned than those “GOP sources close to the situation” might think.

14 Responses

  1. Come on Haley, do it! Jab those whiny gatekeepers in their eye sockets!

  2. wouldn’t that be a perfect jab!

  3. Especially since harry reid kept the senate in session over Thangsgiving, just to prevent any recess appointments.

  4. I say jab’em…jab’em good!
    As for Reid, does he plan to forfeit his Christmas Holiday to prevent any recess appointments?
    / JAB’EM!

  5. OK. First of all. I am and always have been a card carrying republican. I work for democrats. Luckily, my job allows me to see into the mindset of the dems without having to be an active participant in the bs (Computer Geek).
    Second, the entire political process is out of whack!

    As a veteran, I want to see somebody in the process start to give a s**t about the men and women that are currently serving in our military. Both sides constantly take pot shots at each other and nothing gets done.

    I am done being a blind follower. Alot of you others should wake up out of your coma as well. For years, I simply voted according to whether or not there was or was not an R by the name on the ballot. I truly believed that by being a voting, party-line participant, we could see some changes in the country. We are definitely seeing changes, but not the type I envisioned.

    When going through civics in HS, I could have sworn we were taught that republicans were fiscally and socially conservative and democrats were the opposite, socially and fiscally liberal. Those generalities no longer hold true.

    F**K BOTH parties. We have got to start doing what is right for our country long term. Obviously, the 2 party system is broken. Let us as citizens start to participate and offer suggestions on how to fix it. The best way for some kind of change to occur is for the voters to quit being such a bunch of sheep. Yes, you who know not of what you speak are a bunch of idiots. If your only thoughts are the talking points of either party, then yes, YOU ARE A SHEEP LOOKING FOR A SHEPHERD. Just admit it! IT will make it easier on all of us.

    We as a nation have got to tell those f**ksticks in Washington and every local, county, and state government that we are not going to take it anymore.

    You guys go ahead and bicker back and forth about who will be the best person for Haley to stick the dems with. Real mature. Just like in grade school. “We don’t like those guys, so let’s do something to them.” What are you, a bunch of 3rd graders. Democrats acted as if they owned the country for many years. Now it is the republicans with the “mightier than thou” complex. Just STOP IT YOU SMUCKS!!!

    Can we please start to come out of the haze and bring my party and our country back to the point where we are not just trying to screw the other side? We get it already. I know that it is too oft used but ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country’.

    That’s right. I’m a republican and
    I believe:

    1. Abortion is a choice! (Not for me, but for some. Don’t F**K with it.)

    2. Wars on everything from drugs to terrorism are a waste of money!!! (You don’t start wars to fix problems. You start them for conquest. I think we have been on the offensive for long enough.)

    3. I don’t give a sh*t about your religion. Keep it to yourself. Not everyone is delusional. You can pray to a rat if you want, just don’t ask me to care or support you in it. If you believe that the Earth and the human race is only 5000 yrs old, get a grip and please go and form a doomsday cult so you can give me a date that you and the rest of your moronic klan will leave us. We need the space.

    4. Education is not knowing how to take a multiple guess test! NCLB is complete and utter BS! Quit trying to mandate good grades. Teach our children and the tests will take care of themselves.

    5. Welfare and “Universal Healthcare” are an utter waste of our resources. If you give people things, they don’t try as hard to succeed. No child, disabled person or senior citizen should ever be abused or forgotten but all you other worthless f**ks that don’t fall into 1 of those 3 categories need to GET A JOB!!! How about that education thing fixing this category too.

    6. We are supposed to be the last super power. Nothing super about owing trillions to 3rd world countries. At least Clinton helped to get the budget balanced.(And got a BJ for his efforts:-)) I think most guys would say they could use 1.

    7. Everyone in the world does NOT have to choose a side just because our CIC says they do. Only stupid people have to deal in absolutes. The rest of us know that there are ALWAYS shades of gray.

    8. And finally, stay out of my and everyone else’s business. Hypothetically speaking, if I want to buy my wife a dildo or smoke a joint in my own home, why do u care? I don’t need your saving. Refer to #3!

    People used to believe the world was flat. They thought that the solar system revolved around Earth. They believed that gods were what made the weather. And they still believe that our system works. All these myths have been debunked except that last 1. Wake up people! Neither the republicans or the democrats give a sh*t about us as a people. Washington has turned into the root of our problems. We must start to fix it and NOT feed into the crap that others on this page seem to think is comical. How about we just get the best guy or girl for the job. And after we do that, we do the same on the next opening, and the next, and the next.

    If we can do that, we got a shot! Otherwise, we’re FUC*ED for sure!


    P.S. First time contributor of any thing to a blog page. Sorry to drone on, had to get it out before I popped a cork.

  6. First time? Pretty impressive. Please feel free to weigh in any time. No need to pop a cork. 🙂

  7. Fine and well.
    I’ve watched the donks jab everyone in the eye with their BS, and expect us to beg for more. It’s war, like it or not, as long as the radical left calls the shots for the donks. I’m tired of their BS, and tired of the GOP playing nice, and always being the adult, and then shat on by the donks and their friends in the media.
    I’m a conservative, that votes Republican because they are the closest to my view.
    I say:
    No abortions, unless there is a medical necessity, incest or rape.
    The war on drugs should include the consumer as well as the producer and distributor.
    Education should be about learning the three R’s, and not social indoctrination centers. If students and teachers don’t perform up to the standards set by the local school board, then back go the students, and out the door go the teachers.
    Clinton didn’t do diddly, except diddle.
    I don’t care what people do in the privacy of their homes, as long as no one is harmed, and no illegal activity outside the home contributed to it(i.e. buying drugs).
    When I was in high school, most likely longer ago than you, DMAC, I didn’t have civics class, but I did take Honors Government, and was in a Master’s program in PoliSci. When I was younger, there were conservative Democrats in positions of power. The Joe Liebermans and Zell Millers weren’t dinosaurs. Slowly, since the late 60’s the radical left has taken over the donk party, and are beholden to every leftist organization around, and have forced the conservatives out. Some say the vitriol was caused by W’s election in 2000. I say BS, it started longer ago than that, but the left didn’t expose their lunacy until Clintoon and his Marxist wife rolled into DC, and lost control of Congress in ’94. That’s when the lefts acrimony and vitriol exploded. To me, the GOP has been far to nice, and tried to remain above the fray, and I am tired of it. I say, they jut their chin’s out, by refusing an up or down vote on a judicial appointment because W is in office, or doesn’t pass their litmus test…screw’em…punch them in that jutted chin, pock them in their eye everytime you can, and if possible, pull their eyes out and piss in the socket. They are liberals, socialist, and communists, and they are my mortal enemies, because they don’t support America and the constitution, which I swore an oath to years ago, and still hold that oath dear. They want to slowly tear down this great nation, and that document, socially, culturally, and politically.
    The don’t support our military at war, they support the cheapening of human life through abortions(which should be settled by the states, and not through judicial activism), they encourage the leftist indoctrination of our children in public schools, the destruction of the family, the destruction of Christianity, the disarming of our decent citizens, and they punish achievement by taxing the most productive in our society, and redistributing that ill gotten gain to those who don’t deserve it so they will vote for them.

  8. Sheesh.

    1. If you, as a member of a copulating twosome, don’t want to get pregnant and are too cheap/lazy/stupid to use some method of birth control, stop f***ing around. This means men, too. Then abortion would be a moot point.

    2. You don’t start wars to fix problems. You start them for conquest. Riiiight. Hence all the cheap fuel prices from the stolen fuel in the middle East. And the cheap automobiles produced by our slave-labor colonies in Germany and Japan.

    3. Typical lefty rant about religion. Has any missionary of a religon (excepting Islam) forcibly grabbed you and made you participate in church on whatever day they deem holy? I didn’t think so. So just go the f*** away and leave your neighbors to practice their religion(s) in peace. I don’t attend a church, feel in no way threatened by the neighbors that do, and don’t go on stupid anti-religious rants, so spare me the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

    4. If a kid can’t come up with the correct answer to 2 + 2 = (a) 1 (b) 187 (c) 0 or (d) 4 on a multiple choice test, then how the f*** do you think he/she is going to be able to perform on the job in the 21st century? Nobody is “mandating” good grades. What is being mandated is accountability and performance. If the kid doesn’t know jack sh** or want to learn jack sh**, the kid shouldn’t be allowed to continue to progress through school until he learns whatever information he is required to know to progress to the next grade.

    5. Yep. I don’t much care for welfare except in certain cases where the person is disabled. Universal health care has been a nearly universal failure.

    6. I think the kudos for the balanced budget goes to Newt. Clinton had nothing to do with the budget either way.

    7. Yes, they do. They can fight, or they can surrender. If you decline to fight, you’ve already surrendered.

    8. I don’t care if you can sustain an erection or not, so go buy all the dildos y’all think you need. It will be a stimulus to the economy of whatever country they are made in. As far as smoking a joint in your house and not hurting anybody, fine, but I see daily the human debris that results from drug abuse and am not at all amused by it.

    9. People used to believe the world was flat. They thought that the solar system revolved around Earth. They believed that gods were what made the weather. And they still believe that our system works. All these myths have been debunked except that last 1.

    Whatever. I think you forgot to throw Santa Claus and global warming into the myth section. Our “system” may not work to your satisfaction, but it’s a damn site better than anything else out there.

  9. As a veteran, I want to see somebody in the process start to give a s**t about the men and women that are currently serving in our military. Both sides constantly take pot shots at each other and nothing gets done

    As a veteran, I would like that too. First of all, I would like the Dems to stop stabbing the troops in the back constantly while professing to support the troops.

    Second, I would like the petulent whiners to STFU and STFD so that the troops can get the job done and come home.

    If the troops didn’t believe in what they were doing, they wouldn’t re-enlist.

  10. Well, it isn’t that long until I have to get up and go to work at being a productive member of society. Hasta manana.

  11. Hasta luego, Swampie.

  12. DMAC, if you return, here is an excellent piece about liberal hate, and why they have to be defeated.

    Bush is simply the latest of a long line of hate-figures — it’s the way the liberal-left does things

    Liberalism does things that way because it has devolved into an ideology with an ideology’s characteristics. (Liberalism may well be the only ideology that has actually gone through a process of development: most of the others were designed, to one extent or another.) Little trace remains of discussion, debate, consensus, or any respect for democratic norms and procedures. There’s only the philosophy of “whatever it takes”, the strategy of “by any means necessary”.

    Eight Years of Liberal Hate.

  13. Interesting blog, congcat.
    A little left of center for my taste.
    But, thanks for dropping by

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