Faith, Family, Community!

That is what I see, when I watch youth athletics. In this instance, and for the purposes of this post, I turn your attention to Williamsport, Pa., where for the past sixty one years, the Little League World Series has taken place.
When I was young, I and my friends, always dreamed of playing there, it was the goal each year when we put on our uniforms, and started a new year of little league ball. Until recent years, the only games televised, were the championship game, carried by one of the major broadcasting corporations, but that has changed in the last decade. Now, nearly every game is televised on ESPN or ESPN2, and now in HD.
The love the parents and their communities have for their children is touching, and I am reminded of the fun playing baseball in my small East Texas town. Putting on the team’s uniform, freshly laundered with love from my dear, sweet Momma, the sound of the cleats when I walked, made a young boy feel so manly. Then there were the smells…ahhh, yes, the smells, of the fresh cut grass, the chalk lining the base paths and batters box, the freshly raked clay soil, and of course the refreshment stand smells of french fries and popcorn. After taking in all that sensory input, then there were the screams and yells from family and friends, encouraging on the young men.
When the games were over, regardless of the outcome, we were all still friends and neighbors, everyone was a part of the community, and we consoled the losers of the game, and congratulated the winners.
With the LLWS, it is a global affair. There are teams from all over the U.S. competing in one pool, and teams from all over the world competing in the International pool, with the winners of their respective pools, advancing to the championship game. Families and friends from all over the world come to Williamsport to cheer and support their young men and women, and the various languages and cultural differences enrich the event. It is an event that leaves cultural and political differences aside, as it is an opportunity for the young players to have fun, and collect memories they will carry with them forever.
In this years LLWS, I am pulling for the team representing the SouthWest U.S., and they are from Lubbock, Tx. Yes, it’s true I was pulling for them in the regionals, because they were from Texas, but watching them dispatch the New Mexico team, I saw something in the young men from Lubbock. It was not only how well coached they were, how complete they were as a team, with outstanding pitching and hitting. It was their eyes! For young men ages 11-13, they are so incredibly focused, and it’s obvious when you look at their eyes, and the way they carry themselves. Oh, they are having fun, don’t mistake my description for joyless automatons. They seem to have an understanding beyond their years, of what an opportunity they have, to be world champions, and a confidence in their individual and collective abilities, that seems to give them their drive.
Or perhaps there is something more driving them.
One of the players for the Lubbock team is Brock Lilley. He is an outfielder, and a solid contributor to the teams success. Brock has a special support group, one that extends across America, to Walter Reed Hospital, to Iraq, and beyond. His Uncle, Scott Lilley is recovering from a serious wound received in Iraq, in an ambush. The full story on SSGT Scott Lilley can be found here and here. Since his shrapnel wound to the brain in April, he has been receiving the best of care, and is making progress. SSGT Lilley was able to talk to his nephew, Brock, by phone before his first game on Saturday, and to let him know he would be watching. Lubbock went on to win that game 6-0, with the pitcher striking out seventeen of the nineteen batters he faced. Lubbock went on to win 5-1 on Sunday, with another stellar pitching effort.
SSGT Lilley’s father, and grandfather of Brock, was there, tearfully, as he so wanted to see his grandson play. He hadn’t seen Brock play all summer, as he and his wife had been by SSGT Lilley’s side ever since he was evacuated from Iraq to Germany, and then to Walter Reed. If you click on the links I provided, you will see what love can do, and the value of faith, family, and community. The Trinity of American life.
Not only am I now a supporter of the Lubbock little league team, but of SSGT Lilley. May they all have success in the challenges that face them.

*For additional information on SSgt Lilley, go here, and enter scottlilleystaffsgt in the search box.

Help me out here

From Reuters via yahoo news…

Women who force themselves to stay quiet during marital arguments appear to have a higher risk of death, a new study shows. Depression and irritable bowel syndrome are also more common in these women.


Truth-boating Hillary: Doug from Upland’s contact list

Just in case you want to do something, Doug provides this contact list of news organizations that need to be reached out to, and touched, with a clue bat possibly.
The list is a year or so old, and a couple of contacts are no good. But, I think everybody knows Imus is history. You might want to bookmark this page. It’s a great resource.
Thanks DFU!
This link will lead you to newspapers, radio and TV stations.

U.S.A. MEDIA CONTACT LIST – National Newspapers

bullet Los Angeles Times:
Times-Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053,
Phone: 800-528-4637 or 213-237-5000, Fax: 213-237-4712,
bullet New York Times:
229 W. 43rd St., New York, NY 10036,
Phone: 212-556-1234, Fax: 212-556-3690, DC Bureau phone: 202-862-0300,
bullet USA Today:
7900 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, VI 22108,
Phone: 800-828-0909 or 703-854-3400, Fax: 703-854-3108,
bullet Wall Street Journal:
200 Liberty St., New York, NY 10281,
Phone: 212-416-2000, Fax: 212-416-2658,
bullet Washington Post:
1150 15th St., NW, Washington, DC 20071,
Phone: 202-334-6000, Fax: 202-334-7502,

Contact details for Jewish newspapers:


bullet Associated Press:
50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020,
Phone: 212-621-1500, Fax: 212-621-1723, DC Bureau phone: 202-776-9400, ;
bullet Reuters:
3 Times Square, New York, NY 10036,
Phone: 646-223-4000, Fax: 646-223-6001, ;
bullet UPI:
World Headquarters, 1510 H St NW Washington, DC 20005, USA,
Voice: 202-898-8000, Fax: 202-898-8057, ;
bullet Jewish Telegraphic Agency:
330 Seventh Avenue, NY, NY 10001,
Phone: 212-643-1890, Fax: 212- 643-8498,


bullet Newsweek:
251 W 57th Street, New York, NY 10019,
Phone: 212-445-4000, Fax: 212-445-4120,
bullet Time:
Time & Life Bldg., Rockefeller Center, New York, NY 10020,
Phone: 212-522-1212, Fax: 212-522-8949,
bullet U.S. News & World Report:
1050 Thomas Jefferson St., Washington, DC 20007,
Phone: 202-955-2000 Fax: 202-955-2049,



Emails/phone numbers for major TV and radio news organizations that read letters on the air: (CNN) 404-827-1500; 404-827-1519 (CNN’s Larry King Live) (Brian Williams) NBC: 212-664-4444 (MSNBC) 201-583-5000 (MSNBC) (MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Mathews) (Imus in the Morning) (Fox News) (Fox News) (Bill O’Reilly) (Hannity and Colmes) (Special Report with Brit Hume) (NPR’s All Things Considered) (NPR’s Morning Edition) (NPR’s Talk of the Nation) (Newshour with Jim Lehrer)

Emails and/or phone numbers for other major media outlets in America (Boston Globe) 617-929-3049 (Chicago Tribune) 312-222-4331 (Raleigh News and Observer) 919-829-4517 (Miami Herald) 305-350-2111 (Orlando Sentinel) 407-420-5070;;;;;;;;


Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Virtuous Republic, Mark My Words, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, Big Dog’s Weblog, Shadowscope, Wake Up America, DragonLady’s World, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, The Uncooperative Radio Show! Special Weekend!, Pursuing Holiness, Right Celebrity, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Stageleft, Wake Up America, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Church and State, Right Pundits, Blog @, Committees of Correspondence, 123beta, Jeanette’s Celebrity Corner, Adam’s Blog, Webloggin, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Florida Masochist, , Conservative Cat, Conservative Thoughts, Public Domain Clip Art, , Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Faultline USA, , The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Planck’s Constant, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, High Desert Wanderer, OTB Sports, Gone Hollywood, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Waiting on Naed

I’m no great fan, but this is funny…..

“You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy,the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America’s Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn’t want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named Bush, Dick, and Colon. –Comedian Chris Rock

ACLU fights for terrorist rights

Criticizing the Bush Administration is a full time job for the left. But in the case of the ACLU, upping the ante from criticism to outright support for enemies of the Republic has reached a shrill fever pitch. Regarding the update of the 30 year old FISA program, ACLU spokes-hole Caroline Fredrickson was able to combine Administration criticism with support for terrorism in one fell swoop:

“Who exactly is the administration looking out for when they ask Congress to let the phone companies off the hook for violating Americans’ privacy?” source

Someone help me out. Has anyone produced any evidence to date that Americans’ privacy has been violated? We’ve heard a lot of extreme exaggeration and loud innuendo being bandied about, but other than the to-be-expected rantings from BDS moonbats, this is a dry hole for the ACLU, and does nothing more than to reveal their tendency to choose the wrong side, yet again.

Universe is MIA

Scientists trying to create a detailed inventory of all the matter and energy in the cosmos run into a curious problem–the vast majority of it is missing.

“I call it the dark side of the universe,” said Michael Turner, a cosmologist at the University of Chicago, referring to the great mysteries of dark matter and dark energy.

In fact, only 4 percent of the matter and energy in the universe has been found. The other 96 percent remains elusive, but scientists are looking in the farthest reaches of space and deepest depths of Earth to solve the two dark riddles.


I blame Universal Warming, caused by overuse of jets, SUV’s, and the Space Shuttle.

Perjury confession in Lockerbie bombing trial

From Ummah News:

The Lockerbie bombing trial is about to make a historic U-turn after a key witness confessed to perjury, Darik radio reported.

Ulrich Lumpert, a Swiss electronic engineer and former employee at the Zurich-based MEBO Ltd Telecommunication, has admitted that he stole from the company a hand manufactured MST-13 Timer PC-Board that was later used as evidence against the defendant, Libyan agent Abdel Basset al-Megrahi.

The confession was made in a letter sent to dozens of organizations and individuals, including Darik radio journalist Svetoslav Ivanov.

The hand-over happened on June 22, 1989.

Megrahi was found guilty in 2001 of the bombing of a Pan Am flight over the Scottish town of Lockerbie, which killed 270 people. He is serving a life sentence in a Scottish prison but in June won the right to launch an appeal.

Lumpert, who was summoned to testify as witness No.550, says he did not know , that the MST-13 Timer PC-Board was used for a specific purpose in connection with the attack on PanAm 103.

“I have been living in an indescribable condition of depression of and fear since my second examination by the police in 1991,” Lumpert says in the letter.

He claims he was shocked when he was shown the photograph with the apparent MST-13 Timer fragment by the “BUPO”, FBI and the Scottish Police, for the first time in mid January 1991.

“They confronted me with the fact that this MST-13 Timer fragment was found in Lockebie and was part of the ignition device of the suitcase with explosives, which caused the Boeing 747 PanAm Flight 103 to crash,” Lumpert recalls.

“When I realized that the MST-13 PC-board, after it was handed over by me without permission was misused for deliberate politically criminal “action”, it was clear to me that I was stuck “in the middle of it” and decided to keep quiet, for it could have been extremely dangerous for me as an unintentional “bearer of secrets”.

“I am sorry for the consequences of my silence at that time for the innocent Libyan Mr. Abdelbaset Al Megrahi, sentenced to life imprisonment, and for the country of Libya,” says Lumpert’s letter, which has been officially certified in Switzerland.

It concludes with a call for putting an end to the accusation that Libya is responsible for the Lockerbie Tragedy by “manufacturing” MST-13 Timer-Link with criminal intent.


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