Church ablaze, tagged with racial slurs in Jackson

Arson investigators are at the scene of a small fire at a church in Jackson where vandals have spray-painted racial slurs on the outside of the building.

Crews were called out to the fire at the Middlebrook United Methodist Church at 115 Maddox Road just before 8 p.m.

Jackson Fire Department Chief Arson Investigator Greg Travis said the fire is being treated as an arson. He said he believes the graffiti and the fire are related.

No arrests have been made.

Developing Story

Tags: Jackson | Mississippi | ablaze | ARSON | church | geotagged | INVESTIGATOR | Money & Stuff | racial | SLURS

RoP misogyny alert

From Ummah News…

A Saudi man divorced his wife because she gave a plate of spaghetti to their neighbor.

According to a local newspaper report the husband found out his wife dared to give away food to a non-family member when the neighbor came to return the plate.

Angry about the gross infraction of house rules, the man took the plate and reportedly broke it over his wife’s head.

After assaulting his wife with a piece of flatware, the husband declared an end to their 8-year marriage.

/I’m sure she had it coming

Dear Hillary

Since the MSM has decided to sit out the election, and turn over the responsibility of questioning the potential candidates to Youtube, I thought I might pose a question for the Smartest Woman In The World.

The NYT is reporting that the CIA inspector general’s report, “says that 50 to 60 C.I.A. officers knew of intelligence reports in 2000 that two of the Sept. 11 hijackers, Nawaf al-Hamzi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, may have been in the United States. But none of those officers thought to notify the Federal Bureau of Investigation about the potential domestic threat, the report says — evidence of what it calls a systemic failure.”

In May of 2002, you went on the floor of the U.S. Senate and held up a copy of the New York Post, which had the headline “Bush Knew,” implying that President Bush had advance knowledge of the 9-11 attacks, but did nothing to stop it.

In light of the CIA inspector general’s report, are you now ready to apologize to the President, and to the American People for your innuendo and false characterization of the President’s advance knowledge of the 9-11 attacks?

**We might just make this a revolving title. Send your questions for The Smartest Woman In The World to nukegingrich(at)myway(dot)com.

Jihadi work accident

Tough day at the office for Ahmed…..

h/t: Eric

Air America moonbat will join “24″

From AP

The clock is ticking for actress-comedian Janeane Garofalo: She’s joining the cast of the Fox TV drama “24.” Garofalo will play an FBI systems analyst when “24,” which stars Kiefer Sutherland as a counterterrorism agent, returns in January for its seventh season, the network said Tuesday.

Well, this show isn’t one that I watch regularly, but I know it has many fans among conservatives.
Or, should I say, “had many fans?”

Bloggers for Huckabee - I Like Mike!

Bloggers: Now you can add the Bloggers for Huckabee
blogroll to your sidebar. Here is the code snippet:


Blogger Kevin Tracy has announced that his co-writer, Semp, will match 50% of your donations to Mike Huckabee.
Just click over to Kevin and Semp’s Place and let them know. Thanks Kevin and Semp.
This is truly outstanding!

Only God Knows Why!

A statement I repeat daily, when I view the wondrous and horrific, in our lives.

The PC “community”

Some time after reading n2l’s latest post, it occurred to me that a certain word has been misappropriated by the PC nazis. It occurred to me because n2l used the word correctly. And it provided a contrast to the “empowerment usage,” purposely designed and deliberately employed to give power and authority to otherwise disparate groups, all on the political left.

It’s a word that has migrated to common usage in the mainstream, and, it’s a word that I’ve grown increasingly tired of.


The practitioners of leftwinguistics who wrote the Wikipedia definition talk about a “human community” as sharing “intent, belief, resources, preferences, needs, risks and a number of other conditions may be present and common, affecting the identity of the participants and their degree of cohesiveness.”

Utter piffle and balderdash.

Whether it’s the muslim community, the African-American community, the Latino community, the immigration rights community, the gay and lesbian community, and so on, and so on, and so on, the irony is delicious: the same people who employ this “empowerment word” to claim commonality and absolute moral authority over their issue of choice are the first people to complain of “stereotyping” and “profiling” when they fail to get exactly what they want, when they want it.

Words mean things. Words have power. This particular word has begun to fall harshly on my ears, and awaken my inner redneck.

I’m not going to play their game anymore.


Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, third world county, Big Dog’s Weblog, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Webloggin, The Amboy Times, Right Voices, Gone Hollywood, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe


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