I Like Mike Roundup and Open Thread

From Team Huckabee:

Team Huckabee is currently in Sheldon, Iowa tonight.

Newt Gingrich said today that Governor Huckabee is the most interesting dark horse, and that he is catching on with GOP voters. Check out his statement here.

Republican Race ’08 is out with new online rankings, and has Gov. Huckabee in the number two spot.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's OasisIt was great to meet Don McDowell of Cyclone Conservatives at a few events today. He has a writeup of his interaction with Gov. Huckabee found here.

Michigan Redneck aka Kathy Wells shares why she “Likes Mike” in her latest YouTube video. Watch it here, it is great.


And here’s a photo of the Hucka-Hucka-Burnin’-Bus…..


Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Rosemary’s Thoughts, DeMediacratic Nation, Big Dog’s Weblog, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Webloggin, Stuck On Stupid, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Amboy Times, Conservative Cat, Conservative Thoughts, third world county, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, Republican National Convention Blog, The Yankee Sailor, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

47 Responses

  1. Sneak Some Zucchini Onto the Neighbor’s Porch

    On August 8 we celebrate “Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Night.”
    From what I can discern, the rules are as follows:
    1.  Use zucchini.  (Other squash, turnips and rutabagas earn you a party foul.)
    2.  Zucchini must…

  2. I’ve gotta go get some work done. BBL
    No swingin’ from the chandeliers!

  3. I can’t remember when it was that I got to visit with Mike, it was either late last year, or very early this year. Regardless, I was told by his colleagues that he was a very nice man, and would enjoy meeting him. They were absolutely correct. I then went to the innernut to learn more about him, and wish I had, before I got to visit with him for about forty five minutes. What an impressive man, to be so genuinely nice and down to earth, yet have so much determination and inner strength.
    What are his chances? Can’t say, it’s still so early, but I would be willing to bet that if more people get a chance to meet him and listen to him, and research what he has done, they may well support him.

  4. Ronald Reagan ‘A Time for Choosing’ VIDEO

    In a speech supporting the Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater, Reagan speaks of big government, high taxation, and the “war on poverty.” He addresses foreign policy issues including the risk of appeasement, “peace through strength,” an…

  5. […] The Amboy Times, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, Conservative Thoughts, third world county, Nuke’s news and views, The Pink Flamingo, Republican National Convention Blog, Gone Hollywood, and The Yankee Sailor, […]

  6. Mike Huckabee has time to slowly build recognition for future political campaigns.

  7. Vets for Freedom Needs Your Help

    Vets for Freedom recently began airing an ad in support of Sen. Norm Coleman’s stance on Iraq. (Watch the ad in support of Senator Coleman) The ad was designed to thank Sen. Coleman for his support for our troops and their mission in Iraq and Afghani…

  8. Getting Naked for God???

    Ok, this one is wrong on so many levels that I don’t even know where to begin but it was shared with me and I’m going to share it with you…

  9. […] The Bullwinkle Blog, The Amboy Times, Pursuing Holiness, Conservative Thoughts, third world county, Nuke’s news and views, The Pink Flamingo, Republican National Convention Blog, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest […]

  10. I would file this under no sh**, Sherlock.

    Quarantine, isolation work in pandemic

    ANN ARBOR, Mich., Aug. 8 (UPI) — University of Michigan medical historians and U.S. epidemiologists say social restrictions such as quarantine could save lives during a pandemic.

    Researchers at the University of Michigan and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta say social restrictions allowed 43 U.S. cities to save thousands of lives during the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918-1919, when no vaccine for the disease was available.

    The researchers discovered that city-to-city variation in mortality was associated with the timing, duration and combination of non-pharmaceutical interventions.

    For example, closing schools and canceling public gatherings relatively early in the pandemic — and sustaining the practices for about 10 weeks — resulted in St. Louis having one of the largest drops in mortality while the non-pharmaceutical interventions were in force.

    “In a world faced by the threat of newly emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, it is critical to determine if costly and potentially socially harsh non-pharmaceutical interventions measures can save lives and reduce the numbers of those infected,” said lead author Dr. Howard Markel, director of the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine.

  11. […] The Bullwinkle Blog, The Amboy Times, Pursuing Holiness, Conservative Thoughts, third world county, Nuke’s news and views, The Pink Flamingo, Republican National Convention Blog, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest […]

  12. Uhh…yep, Swampie, that’s a no-shi*#er fo’sho’.

    You need to check out this and this.
    /what a world…what a world

  13. Confessions of a Recovering Democrat

    Have you ever read an article that you wished would go on longer? Many times I find myself wishing they were brief and to the point, but not this time. I want more evidence, more significant changes, actually reasons for the change.

  14. The Irony of Enforcement

    It looks as if Washington may be getting the message but I think I speak for most when I say, I’ll believe it when I see it.
    Let’s look at ‘the plan’ …
    The Washington Post reports:
    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The government i…

  15. Bitch? I Don’t ThinK So

    The heinous crimes committed against blacks using the word “nigger” and the unspeakable sexual abuse and torment women have suffered hearing the word “bitch” should make it understandable why they hold a unique power.

  16. […] Archive » The Left Antiwar Motive on The U.S. House Members’ Gym Needs an $8 Million Upgrade?I Like Mike Roundup and Open Thread « Nuke’s News and Views on The U.S. House Members’ Gym Needs an $8 Million […]

  17. *BIFF**BOP**BOOM!!!
    Oooooh….that’s gotta hurt.

    Let’s get something straight right at the beginning! We are not in the business of making any moral judgments on the former President Clinton. The people who claim that his adultery prevented him from devoting himself completely to the Presidency are simply wrong. It took him twenty minutes to commit adultery and he had the rest of the day to be President.

    /go jackie…go jackie…it’s your birthday

  18. Proper Journalism

    The Palestinian journalists have not always distinguished themselves by seeking the truth and reporting the facts, but in this instance, they did so in the face of threats and coercion. That’s a good thing.

  19. When you 92 years old, I reckon you gotta lot of blues to sing.

  20. #17 Yep. I lost whatever little tiny crumbs of respect I may have been able to dredge up for her then.

  21. You and a whole bunch of other women, Swampie.

    It’s one thing to have a lotta blues stored up at 92, it’s another to express them.

  22. An Audience with the Don (Surber That Is)

    I was honored to interview one of the great bloggers out there, Don Surber.  Don’s a columnist for the Charleston Daily Mail and a blogger and he brings perspectives of both worlds to this fun interview. Issues discussed include:

    Barry Bonds an…

  23. Take the Ultimate Global Warming Challenge

    Take the Ultimate Global Warming Challenge and win $100,000. Here’s the challenge: CHALLENGE $100,000 will be awarded to the first person to prove, in a scientific manner, that humans are causing harmful global warming. The winning entry will specific…

  24. […] I Like Mike Roundup and Open Thread « Nuke’s News and Views […]

  25. Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Pr

    in Baqouba, al-Qaida has warned street vendors not to place tomatoes beside cucumbers because the vegetables are different genders

  26. Anti-CAIR: My Turn on Civil Rights

    Another blogburst from Anti-CAIR.On January 6, 2004, I was threatened with a lawsuit for defamation by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an Islamic terrorist supporting front group which has received funding from Islamic terrorists. The…

  27. I still don’t see Huckabee having a chance, but heck, who knows at this point. Why must elections start to early these days?

  28. Time travel has actually occurred

    Apparently George Bush recently traveled back to 1998. Then again, it may have been Dick Halliburton Cheney. What else can explain NASA revising the U.S. temperature for that year downward?

  29. A Cold Truth

    I’m a skeptic by trade, and usually, when I figure something out, there’s this incredible AHA feeling. Sometimes, however, the truth leaves you cold. According to the vet, a mysterious illness had been hitting older cats for months before the…

  30. NYTimes blogger panders to his readers

    Apparently he thinks his readers are terrorists, or at the very least, terrorist wannabe’s. It’s rather sad that someone takes so much narcissistic consideration of their intellectual frolicking that they …

  31. […] Holiness, Adeline and Hazel, Conservative Thoughts, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Allie Is Wired, Nuke’s news and views, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Wyvern dreams, Wake Up America, High […]

  32. An Abomination In The Sight Of The Lord

    In my last post Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice Of Vegetables?, We explored the attempts by Al Qaeda to protect tomatoes from the uncontrollable lust of cucumbers. But on reflection, I have realized there is an as…

  33. Looking for the Apology from Jackass Murtha

  34. […] Wake Up America, Adeline and Hazel, Pursuing Holiness, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Nuke’s news and views, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Wyvern dreams, CommonSenseAmerica, Wake Up America, Dumb […]

  35. 6 steps minus one equals 10 million dollars

    At least by the screwed up math of one lawyer and his clients. According to the story, several requests for no cheese were made by Jeromy Jackson, when he ordered a hamburger at a McDonald’s restaurant recently. Apparently, Jeromy has a …

  36. […] and Hazel, Pursuing Holiness, third world county, Right Celebrity, Woman Honor Thyself, Stageleft, Nuke’s news and views, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Wyvern dreams, CommonSenseAmerica, Wake Up America, Dumb […]

  37. Anne Rice rediscovers faith

    This is the author’s note from her book Christ the Lord Out of Egypt: A Novel. It’s a very interesting story, her path from the church, 30 years as an atheist…

  38. Arab shopkeeper … was the first to help

    An incident that occurred in Jerusalem’s Old City on Friday, resulted in one death and nearly a dozen wounded. The family of the individual killed by Israeli security guard have claimed …

  39. I am a DanceR

    I went dancing last night and fell.

  40. I’m back online

    Sorry about the absence.  I could make some profound excuses and try to look good, but the honest truth is, I was tired and I needed a break.

    One thing I am learning is when my body says slow down, take a break and relax, I listen.&n…

  41. […] and Hazel, Pursuing Holiness, Right Celebrity, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Stageleft, Nuke’s news and views, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Wyvern dreams, CommonSenseAmerica, Wake Up America, Dumb […]

  42. Ladies And Gentlemen, Presenting The Leningrad Cowboys & Red Army Choir Singing “Sweet Home Alabama”

    A friend of mine alerted me to this video (thanks Robert) and it is indeed entertaining in a strange surreal sort of way. I wonder what Ronnie Van Zandt would have thought of this.

  43. Ladies And Gentlemen, Presenting The Leningrad Cowboys & Red Army Choir Singing “Sweet Home Alabama”

    A friend of mine alerted me to this video (thanks Robert) and it is indeed entertaining in a strange surreal sort of way. I wonder what Ronnie Van Zandt would have thought of this.

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